Report: Continued High Legal Immigration Levels Will Destroy GOP

A new report from an anti-amnesty group has concluded that continued high-levels of immigration to the United States of America will destroy the Republican Party’s long-term prospects of winning future elections, a copy provided to Breitbart News shows.

“A comparison of voting patterns in presidential elections across counties over the last three decades shows that mass immigration has caused a steady drop in presidential Republican vote shares, particularly in the nation’s largest counties,” James G. Gimpel writes in a new Center for Immigration Studies (CIS) report out Tuesday morning. “Each one percentage-point increase in the immigrant share of a large county’s population reduces the Republican share of the two-party vote by nearly 0.6 percentage points on average.”

Gimpel cites three “key conclusions” that come from his 14-page analysis. First, the “enormous flow of legal immigrants” into America—nearly 30 million have come to America from 1980 to 2012—“has remade and continues to remake the nation’s electorate in favor of the Democratic Party.”

Second, Gimpel writes, the “partisan impact” of said immigration increases “is relatively uniform throughout the country.” He argues that Texas has been hit on the same ratio as Florida or even California, “even though local Republican parties have taken different positions on illegal immigration.”


Complete text linked here.

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