In each of the past few years, I have done an end-of-the-year summary on jihad activity and Islamization in the United States, so that people might better understand the overarching progress of the jihad in the U.S., and connect the dots.
After years of shouting into the wilderness, the message hit critical mass in November 2016, and Donald Trump, to the absolute shock of the totalitarian left elite, was elected President of the United States.
President Trump’s initiatives to stem jihad and sharia in America have been met with fierce resistance from the jihad-aligned left. Even just last Friday, the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals yet again struck down his travel ban, despite earlier versions of the ban having been approved by the Supreme Court. This one will be approved by the Supreme Court as well, but the left is doing all it can to obstruct and delay President Trump’s attempts to defend Americans from Islamic jihad attacks.
Let’s review the catastrophic consequences of Obama’s Islamic policies in the U.S., so as to remember what kind of game the 9th Circuit Court is playing. According to the Sinclair Broadcast Group, “FBI Director Christopher Wray testified before Congress Thursday that the agency currently has about 1,000 active ISIS investigations in all 50 states. He claimed hundreds of attacks have been prevented and cited 176 domestic terror-related arrests in the last year.”