Category Archives: Religion

Tucker Carlson on Lindsey Graham’s War on Christianity (Video)

Must Watch

“I’m ‘Christianity First’” – Candace Owens (Video)

Candace Owens describes herself as unabashely “America first” as well as “Christianity first.” As a result, she says, she takes offense to being told she has to support Israel as a great ally of the United States and concern herself with the suffering of Jews while Christians around the globe, like in Armenia, are being oppressed and even killed.

James Lindsay – Wokeness is a Cult Religion (Video)

Liberty Vault

The Substitution Hypothesis | Dr Peter Boghossian | EP39 (Video)

Dr Peter Boghossian is a writer, speaker, and podcast host. He taught philosophy at Portland State University for ten years before resigning in 2021, citing an illiberal academic atmosphere on campus. Along with James Lindsay and Helen Pluckrose, he undertook the famous grievance studies hoax, which arguably demonstrated the low academic standards of some university disciplines.

John Mearsheimer: ‘Zionists Did TERRIBLE Things To Establish A Jewish State’ (Video)

Katie and John Mearsheimer discuss whether people’s increased criticism of Israel is because Israel has gotten worse or Israel’s crimes were previously hidden.

John MacArthur said THIS to Ben Shapiro | Christian Reaction! (Video)

Brylan Riggs

Victor Davis Hanson:The differences between Christianity and Islam (Video)

The conversation centered around the growing incivility in politics and media, with Donald Trump calling for drug tests before debates and Joe Biden dismissing the idea as a ‘shenanigan.’ Speakers also discussed the increasing incivility in Congress, highlighting instances of name-calling, personal attacks, and disruptive behavior. Additionally, they discussed the issue of exemptions and accountability in society, with some groups being exempt from consequences while others are not. Finally, the conversation turned to the potential decline of diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) in higher education, with instances of plagiarism and unequal allocation of slots in universities.

Max Blumenthal: How Zionism Hurts the Jews. (Video)

Judge Napolitano – Judging Freedom

Howie Mandel & Ari Shaffir Debate Anti-Semitism & Ari Says Iran Is Great For Jews! My Reaction. (Video)

An0maly – News Analysis & Hip-hop

Daily Wire’s Andrew Klavan Is Still Bothered By “Christ Is King” Dogwhistles! (Video)

An0maly – News Analysis & Hip-hop