Populist conservative columnist and New York Times best-selling author Ann Coulter says Attorney General Jeff Sessions “better be ready to arrest all” members of Congress who are expected to bring illegal aliens as their dates to President Trump’s “State of the Union” (SOTU) address.
In an interview with conservative talk radio host Howie Carr, Coulter said Sessions should be gearing up to arrest Washington, D.C. politicians who arrive at Trump’s SOTU address with illegal aliens.
COULTER: I’ve also heard they’re planning on inviting illegal aliens. So Jeff Sessions better be ready to arrest all of them for conspiring to commit a crime, which I believe is a felony under federal law in all 50 states, even if the crime itself is not a felony. I mean, they had to have meetings, they had to make a phone call. These are people who are in the country illegally and anyone conspiring with them to keep them here illegally, to invite them to a State of the Union address, Jeff Sessions should have them all arrested and I mean the congressmen.
But seriously, Sessions should be looking at all of these governors and mayors for conspiring to commit federal crimes.