Category Archives: History

Fine Gael and the Blueshirts | 1933 – 1934 | The Emergency – E03 (Video)

Following the Civil War and in the absence of a meaningful opposition, Cumann na nGaedheal dominated Irish politics. In this time they also allowed the party to stagnate and had become overconfident that their record in government would secure reelection in 1932; instead de Valera’s Fianna Fáil took office and they increased their grip on power in 1933. Driven by fear and a desire to return to government, Cumann na nGaedheal merged with the smaller National Centre Party in 1933 to form Fine Gael. But for leadership of this new party they turned to the National Guard, a shirted movement led by the popular and charismatic Eoin O’Duffy.

A major London museum literally erases the history of straight, white, Christian, English families (Video)

The Museum of the Home, formerly the Geffrey Museum, has decided that only the history of immigrants is important and has removed any reference to ordinary white, English, Christian families over the last two hundred years.

HISTORY OF INDONESIA in 12 Minutes (Video)

“The proclamation of an independent republic was not quite so simple though and sparked a series of clashes between the Indonesians and the colonizing forces of both the British and Dutch. The British were less compelled to fight back, eventually withdrawing as the Dutch stepped in to try and retake their former possession. After repeated failures, unsuccessful “police actions”, and growing condemnation from the far West, such as the U.S., at long last, in the final weeks of 1949, the Dutch recognized Indonesian autonomy and withdrew from the islands. “

The REAL ‘life’ of KARL MARX (Video)

Karl Marx spent his entire life avoiding work, sponging off his friends and family, burdening the lives of everyone he came into contact with, all because Marx wanted to overthrow the current regime (a subconscious rebellion against his parents) and install himself in the seat of ultimate power (as a way to avoid work). He didn’t care about the “workers”, his children, his wife, his parents, nor anybody else. All he cared about was himself, and today’s video will show you exactly what happened and why.

Ancient Chinese civilisation was a product of European intelligence and enterprise (Video)

It is often claimed that China rose independently as a great civilisation of the ancient world, but this is not true. It was largely a product of Europe and the Middle East.

She Was Scalped…and WORSE. Whites Get Even. (Video)

Faces of the Forgotten

Rothschilds: The Family That Outsmarted Napoleon (Video)

The Rothschilds have impacted the world immensely. They influenced how money, politics, and monarchies around the world. They came from very humble beginnings, and the rise of this family is worth looking into. In this documentary, we’ll learn more about The rise of the Rothschilds: the world’s richest family. We’ll also learn interesting facts about them – like how they were once responsible for Napoleon’s defeat. Is The Rothschild Family the richest in the world? The Rothschilds have truly built an empire of shadows. The true story of the richest family in history is worth exploring.

The way in which English history is being erased from villages, towns and cities across the country (Video)

Reminders of our history are being destroyed, breaking our links with the past.

The modern-day craze for ‘trans’ identity has its roots in the decadence of Weimar Germany (Video)

The first so-called ‘sex change’ operations were carried out in the Weimar Republic, at an institute where the very word ‘transsexuality’ was coined. Today, many young people wish to be surgically mutilated in this way.

The Vatican Financial Empire – A Hidden History | 2024 Documentary

Let’s explore the IOR, aka the Vatican Bank, uncovering a complex web of hidden secrets, unexpected alliances, and intriguing mysteries within one of the world’s most powerful institutions.