Category Archives: Slavery

How Millions Are Trapped In Modern-Day Slavery At Brick Kilns In Pakistan | Risky Business (Video)

Entire families in Pakistan work dangerous jobs at brick kilns to pay off snowballing debts to kiln owners. Workers don’t have bank accounts and make so little they have to keep borrowing just to get by.

Slavery is not a black thing; two famous European slaves from Spain and Greece (Video)

Plato is perhaps the most influential ancient philosopher of all. Miguel Cervantes wrote Don Quixote, recognised as the first modern novel. Both were slaves.

Slavery in modern Africa: why nobody is interested in even thinking, let alone talking, about it (Video)

We are so obsessed with the slavery which existed centuries ago and about which we can do nothing at all, that we sometimes forget that chattel slavery exists right now in Africa

Why Africans treasure statues of their own slave-traders and celebrate them as heroes (Video)

The campaigns in Britain to remove statues of people connected with the slave trade is baffling to people in countries such as Nigeria

Behind Asia’s cyber slavery | DW Documentary (Video)

They scam unsuspecting victims all across the world — but they are victims themselves. Thousands of people are trafficked worldwide into Myanmar’s war-torn east, where they are forced to trick people in Europe, the US, and China into scam schemes.

Houston rapper accused of holding a homeless woman captive for at least 4 years

That room included “a makeshift toilet that did not flush,” a mattress “covered in fresh vomit” and a few packages of chips and Twinkies, the affidavit said.

A Houston rapper allegedly kidnapped a homeless woman and held her captive in his garage for at least four years before she managed to get access to the suspect’s computer to call rescuers, officials said.

The woman allegedly held by Lee Carter, 52, was found in April but the arrest on a charge of felony aggravated kidnapping only happened on Thursday, court records and Carter’s attorney said.

Records do not explain why it took authorities nearly nine months to arrest the suspect. The condition of the woman, who prosecutors say was 70 pounds and pregnant when authorities located her, was unclear Monday.

Court filings showed Carter posted $100,000 to secure his freedom on Sunday. He was no longer in the Harris County Jail on Monday, a sheriff’s official told NBC News.


Complete text linked here.

The white slave trade & the British crusade against slavery | Uncomfortable truths about slavery (Video)

Here we explore some uncomfortable facts about slavery to bring more nuance into the discussion. These include the Barbary pirate slave trade that enslaved over a million Europeans, the Arab Slave trade that some argue may have been more brutal than the transatlantic, and the British Crusade against slavery.

Drug Cartels Trafficking Migrants to CA for ‘Modern Day Slavery’ on Black Market Marijuana Farms (Video)

The origin of these hidden operations traces back to a familiar evil south of the border.

Drug cartels are trafficking migrants to northern California and then forcing them to work on illegal marijuana farms. And these black market farms are producing cannabis that’s tainted with toxins, and also threatening California’s water supply. These are just a few of the far-reaching repercussions of the crisis at our southern border.

The impact of migrants pouring across the U.S. southern border is reaching here in Humboldt County, helping fuel a rise in illicit cannabis operations staffed by undocumented workers. Instead of escaping poverty and oppression, many migrants often find a rude awakening here in America.

Humboldt County Sheriff William Honsal tells CBN News, “So modern-day slavery is happening here. Labor trafficking is a major deal here when it comes to marijuana.”


Complete text and video linked here.

Irish slave-traders preyed on Britain for 700 years. When will they be offering us reparations? (Video)

Britain was involved in the slave trade for less than 300 years, from the middle of the 16th century until the early 19th century. Ireland, on the other hand, was mixed up in the business for over 700 years. Britain was the chief source of their slaves. Dublin was actually founded as a slave-trading centre, as were the cities of Limerick and Waterford.

The reparations bandwagon picks up speed and is heading our way… (Video)

The Prime Minister of Barbados has helpfully calculated how much Britain owes in reparations for slavery. She says that it comes to $24tn. In case you wonder how much that is in real money, it is 19 thousand billion pounds. Where we will find this sum is an interesting point.