Category Archives: Marine Le Pen

French Citizens Strongly REJECT EU Establishment (Video)

French far right poised for record surge in EU election, poll shows

France Confirms BOMBSHELL Le Pen Verdict (Video)

I’m no lame duck, Macron says, vowing to stop Le Pen’s rise

France’s Huge Revolt REJECTS EU Elite (Video)

“French farmers block roads, dump produce as protest edges closer to Paris”

France Now Ready To STUN Pro-EU Elite (Video)

Once toxic, Marine Le Pen is closer to goal of being Macron’s heir”

French Voters Verdict Will TERRIFY Brussels (Video)

“Le Pen Tops Macron in Recent Poll”

France Issues Le Pen WARNING (Video)

“Marine Le Pen could become next French president, says interior minister”

“What have you done with France!?” Marine Le Pen slams Macron over riots (Video)

Marine Le Pen lashes out at Macron and his predecessors after days of rioting.

French Voters Deliver ASTONISHING Le Pen Verdict (Video)

Marine Le Pen Surges as Macron’s Star Fades

Marine Le Pen Totally STUNS EU Elite (Video)

“Marine Le Pen ‘now favourite to be president’ amid pension fury. Rightwinger’s journey to the mainstream puts her in pole position to win on her third attempt”

French election: Macron loses absolute majority in parliament in ‘democratic shock’

In another significant change for French politics, far-right leader Marine Le Pen’s National Rally party could score a ten-fold increase in MPs with as many as 90-95 seats, initial projections showed. That would be the party’s biggest-ever representation in the assembly.

French President Emmanuel Macron lost control of the National Assembly in legislative elections on Sunday, a major setback that could throw the country into political paralysis unless he is able to negotiate alliances with other parties.

Macron’s centrist Ensemble coalition, which wants to raise the retirement age and further deepen EU integration, was on course to end up with the most seats in Sunday’s election.

But they will be well short of the absolute majority needed to control parliament, near-final results showed.

A broad left-wing alliance was set to be the biggest opposition group, while the far-right scored record-high wins and the conservatives were likely to become kingmakers.


Complete text linked here.