Category Archives: Asia

HISTORY OF INDONESIA in 12 Minutes (Video)

“The proclamation of an independent republic was not quite so simple though and sparked a series of clashes between the Indonesians and the colonizing forces of both the British and Dutch. The British were less compelled to fight back, eventually withdrawing as the Dutch stepped in to try and retake their former possession. After repeated failures, unsuccessful “police actions”, and growing condemnation from the far West, such as the U.S., at long last, in the final weeks of 1949, the Dutch recognized Indonesian autonomy and withdrew from the islands. “

Ancient Chinese civilisation was a product of European intelligence and enterprise (Video)

It is often claimed that China rose independently as a great civilisation of the ancient world, but this is not true. It was largely a product of Europe and the Middle East.

Prof. John Mearsheimer : China In the Wings (Video)

Judge Napolitano – Judging Freedom

How Indonesia Became the Largest Muslim Country (Video)

The Kings and Generals animated historical documentary series on the history of the southeast Asia continues with a video on how Indonesia adopted Islam and became the largest Muslim country in the world.

Larry Johnson : CIA and Revolution in Georgia (Video)

Judge Napolitano – Judging Freedom

The Asian Super Cartels Operating Out of a Remote Narco-State — with Their Own Military I IRONCLAD (Video)

Today’s guest is writer and investigative crime journalist, Sean Williams. Sean is the co-host of The Underworld Podcast. On this episode, Sean and Andy discuss the world of Asian meth cartels operating out of Myanmar’s remote Wa State, where an autonomous government and military protect massive super labs.

The Soviet War in Afghanistan | Overview, Causes & Timeline | Spetsnaz – AMP (Video)

This documentary was produced for educational purposes and may contain comments that may offend the sensibilities of certain people. If you are a sensitive person, viewing this documentary is not recommended.

How Millions Are Trapped In Modern-Day Slavery At Brick Kilns In Pakistan | Risky Business (Video)

Entire families in Pakistan work dangerous jobs at brick kilns to pay off snowballing debts to kiln owners. Workers don’t have bank accounts and make so little they have to keep borrowing just to get by.

How China & Mexico Are Stealing Money From America (Video)

In this video, Patrick Bet-David delves into how China & Mexico are impacting America’s economy and potentially ‘stealing’ money.

Dr. Phil: China’s Economic Takeover of America, Who Owns Our Land? | Dr. Phil Primetime (Video)

Who truly owns our land? Watch Dr. Phil delve into China’s Economic Takeover of America on Dr. Phil Primetime. Join the debate and gain insights into this pressing issue.