Category Archives: Sean Hannity

TV BRAIN! This “Ryan Routh” Character Seems Brainwashed In Interview & Weird Hannity Comment (Video)

An0maly – News Analysis & Hip-hop

Sean Hannity Shows His True Colors (Video)

Matt Walsh

Central American trafficker describes what happens to children at the hands of cartels (Video)

Carter and ex-CIA officer Buck Sexton react on ‘Hannity’ to the plight of children smuggled into the US

Tulsi Gabbard: Suffering Ukrainians Are ‘Actors’ ‘in the Kamala Harris Show’

“And this is why we’re facing the problems we’re facing, that it’s all about them. They don’t care about the people; if they did, they would be taking action to address this skyrocketing inflation that started before the Russian assault on Ukraine. They’d be taking action to address the fact that the American people are struggling to figure out ‘how do I pay for filling up a gas tank as well as groceries or things for my kids?'”

“It’s all about the Kamala Harris show,” former Hawaii Democratic Rep. Tulsi Gabbard told Fox News Host Sean Hannity Thursday night. “This shows that the suffering of the Ukrainian people really are just – they’re actors in her– in the Kamala Harris show.” 

Gabbard appeared as a guest on “Hannity,” grading Harris’ fulfilment of the roles of vice president. Harris would receive lower than an “F” if possible, according to Gabbard, due to what she characterized as a lack of effort on issues ranging from illegal immigration to inflation and the Russia-Ukraine war.

“Sean, this would be humorous if it weren’t so dangerous,” she told Hannity. “We look back, we know [Harris] was anointed by the mainstream media. She was appointed by the Clinton machine for two very simple reasons: Number one is identity politics. She had the right skin color and the right gender and number two, she had proven herself to be loyal to the power elite in Washington, the warmongers, the Clinton machine.”


Complete text linked here.

Project Veritas’ James O’Keefe described pre-dawn raid on his home on ‘Hannity’ (Video)

Project Veritas founder describes the FBI raid on his New York home on ‘Hannity.

Video: Steven Gern Full One-On-One Explosive Interview With Sean Hannity (2/10/2017)

Must watch video!

Sean Hannity: People Don’t Need ‘Fake News’ Corporate Media Anymore; Landscape Shifting to Breitbart, Drudge, Talk Radio (Audio)

Talk radio host and Fox News star Sean Hannity talked about the 2016 election with SiriusXM host Matt Boyle on Monday’s Breitbart News Daily.

“You know, Matt, we’ve not talked publicly since the election, and I gotta give you a lot of credit,” said Hannity. “I saw you a lot on the campaign trail. You worked really, really, really hard. Like a lot of other people, you took a lot of heat. And you know what? It paid off, didn’t it?”

Boyle contrasted left-wing efforts to delegitimize Donald Trump’s election victory with Trump’s triumph at the Electoral College, where he won more electoral votes than any Republican candidate since 1988.

“I think he won more counties than anyone since 1984,” Hannity observed. “When you look at the map, and you look at how little blue is in it, and how divided America is between rural America and big cities, it’s pretty amazing. In that sense, that’s where the divide really is. America’s a very conservative country, in terms of just the actual population. It’s the population centers that tend to lean very solidly Left. That is the big cities, and you see people even leaving big cities because of regulation and high taxes, and then they move to states like Florida, and then they bring their liberal policies with them. They try and ruin those states after they ruined New York, New Jersey, and Illinois.”


Complete text linked here.

James O’Keefe on The Sean Hannity Radio Show (10/17/2016) – Audio

James O’Keefe of Project Veritas speaks with Sean Hannity about his undercover investigation of bird-dogging by the DNC.

Laura Ingraham: We’ve been waiting for this moment (Video)

On ‘Hannity,’ LifeZette founder says Republicans have been waiting years for someone to lay a glove on the Clintons.

FCC Commissioner on Internet Oversight Switch: ‘If You Cherish Free Expression,’ ‘You Should Be Worried,’ This Is ‘Irreversible’ (Video)

On Wednesday’s “Sean Hannity Show,” FCC Commissioner Ajit Pai (R) stated that the plan to “essentially give up the US oversight role…of the Internet” to ICANN is something that should worry anyone who cherishes “free expression, and free speech rights generally,” and could potentially cede oversight of the Internet to “foreign governments who might not share our values.” He further stated that such a move is “irreversible.”

Pai said, “This proposal is to essentially give up the US oversight role that it’s had for the last 20 years, basically for the entire commercial lifespan of the Internet to a company called ICANN, which is an international organization, which includes a number of foreign countries. And, it’s an unprecedented move, and one that, as Mr. DeMint pointed out, is irreversible. Once we give up this oversight role, we can’t get it back.”

He added that Internet oversight is a case of, “if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.” Pai further stated, “[I]f you cherish free expression, and free speech rights generally, you should be worried, I think, when there’s — this oversight role’s going to be ceded to potentially, foreign governments who might not share our values.”

Video linked here at original source.