Category Archives: Christopher Michael Langan

Short Biography and CTMU Overview by Chris Langan

For An Upcoming Interview

This is a short biography we were asked to provide for the producers of an upcoming live interview, along with a brief overview of the CTMU including conceptual background and points to be touched on in the discussion. The bio is older, but the additional material is brand new and includes what might be described as a rough outline of my book-in-progress. Enjoy!


Christopher Michael Langan is a noted independent researcher and reality theorist whose extraordinary intellect has not prevented him from living a rough, unsheltered, and exciting life. He is best known for his ground-breaking theory of reality, the Cognitive-Theoretic Model of the Universe (CTMU), developed in the 1980s and explicated over the last 40 years in a series of articles, essays, peer-reviewed research papers, and books. The CTMU is the first “Self-simulation” theory of reality, a reflexive, tautological, and profoundly self-contained intrinsic language through which reality exists and evolves by “talking to itself about itself”, thus serving as its own theory, universe, and model. Combining physics, metaphysics, and biology in a tight, elegant, and unique logico-semiotic structure called the Metaformal System, the CTMU provides a long-sought bridge between mind and matter, science and spirituality, and the internal and external aspects of human and cosmic existence.


Complete text linked here.

Chris Langan – The Interview THEY Didn’t Want You To See – CTMU (Video)

DW Description: Chris Langan is known to have the highest IQ in the world, somewhere between 195 and 210. To give you an idea of what this means, the average person’s IQ is 100 and Albert Einstein’s IQ was 160. Chris Langan joins the show to discuss his theory of everything – God – psychedelic drugs – and aliens in this special 2-hour conversation.

Smartest Man in World Warns ‘America Under Enemy Occupation’ After Gov’t Fails Hurricane Victims

Infowars’ Adan Salazar highlights Chris Langan on X

Christopher Langan, with genius-level IQ between 195-210, breaks down federal government’s lack of concern for hurricane-ravaged citizens.

‘Nearly everything the global occupation government does is an act of war against the American majority,’ says Langan.

The US government has been conquered by enemies of America who do not value life, one of the smartest people in the world has warned following the Biden admin’s failure to help Hurricane Helene victims.

Commenting on videos of private rescue workers threatened with arrest for aiding Helene victims, Christopher Langan – dubbed “The Smartest Man in the World” with an IQ around 200 – said America’s occupation by enemy forces should be apparent to anyone paying attention.


Complete text linked here.

Chris Langan – Favorites – Human Interest (Video)

CTMU Radio

Black Like Me by Chris Langan

Like racism, cultural appropriation victimizes only nonwhites. But turned against Whites, it works so well that it can become historical and even *genetic* appropriation.

Much of human behavior is illogical. This is only to be expected; most human beings are driven not by truth and logic, but by a combination of reflex, habit, instinct, emotion, and intentionality, all coordinated by need and desire.

For most people, truth and logic are simply what they abuse in order to plan and justify their behavior, alternately greasing and sanitizing the path to wherever they want to go. Righteousness and rationality seldom have anything to do with it.

But when truth is officially subordinated to racial entitlement, perversely turned around backwards, and used to promote injustice, it becomes a matter of grave concern.


Complete text linked here.

Happy Independence Day! by Chris Langan

Make the most of it while it lasts! But if you need to take a break, you can read up on why no one will ever be getting around the CTMU.

Happy Independence Day, my fellow Americans! Enjoy it like it’s going out of style, which is exactly what it’s doing.

We need to savor every Independence Day we get these days, as we’re running out of them. In fact, they’ll soon be gone if we fail to put a stop to the immoral, corrupt, anti-American, anti-White treason of traitorous lying scoundrels squatting in stolen government offices and fattening on bribes and blood money.

Independence Day is going out of style because the US political class, steeped in faithlessness, cynicism, and contempt, has surrendered American independence to its globalist paymasters like alleycats in heat, reveling in the throes of an obscene midnight orgy amidst the overflowing garbage cans. Caterwauling about diversity, equity, inclusion, and social injustice, lit by a flaming dumpster heaped with 60 years of unvetted illegal nonwhites-only mass migration to all and only the nations our ancestors founded, they’re doing their level best to ensure that we end up destitute, deracinated, and strangled with high-voltage shock collars.


Complete text linked here.

Chris Langan on American Schools (Videos)

The constant need of White students to avoid marauding gangs of “minority” delinquents adds a measure of fear and anxiety to the school environment which precludes any sort of education at all. No child can concentrate on his/her lessons while anticipating a race-hating anti-White “beat-down” at virtually any moment.

Integrating US public schools was either a stupid mistake or an incredibly malicious act of destruction. Either way, it has crippled what was once a functional, high-performing school system. Statistically, US public schools are in the toilet.

But alas, we’re not just talking about statistics.


Complete text and videos linked here.

Atheistic Divine Language by Chris Langan

Yes, that’s an oxymoron if ever there was one. But when you’re an atheist wrestling with theology without leg on which to stand, it’s the only game in town.

Question: “Would you please elaborate on the Human Singularity?”

Answer: It’s CTMU 101.

The Transhumanist “elite” claim that we are approaching a “Tech Singularity” in which man will merge with machine on the most basic level of existence, which for various reasons would destroy human identity as we know and live it. In contrast, the CTMU says that what we are actually approaching, notwithstanding the interference of corporate-governmental technocratic social engineers, is a “Human Singularity” preserving and refining human identity and bringing us closer to the identity of reality itself, aka God.


Complete text linked here.

Armed Schwabbery by Chris Langan

Can math predict our future? Not really. While it can model our likely prospects as a steep downward vector (as it currently does), mathematical prediction is trumped by free will.

Discerning people grow increasingly unhappy about the dark clouds spanning the horizon. They feel profoundly betrayed by lying government personnel who swear up, down, and sideways to guard their interests, only to repeatedy slip a dagger between their ribs once “elected” (these days, a questionable status at best).

Thus, readers tend to ask me questions and post observations reflecting their anger, resentment, and displeasure.

The “Stakeholder Capitalism” Swindle

Question: “Klaus Schwab explained that multi-national corporations will replace governments of the peoples. It’s a pretty accurate prediction if has already happened. Has it?”


Complete text linked here.

Where do these people come from? by Chris Langan

Societies rely on the coupling between merit, functionality, and reward. This coupling has been completely shattered, and our society is going down the drain for it.

Mark Cuban: “Now how would you propose finding organizations that give preference to white people? … Why aren’t you working as hard to show examples of white preferences as you are DEI? You claim to abhor both?”

Apparently, Mr. Cuban thinks that Whites are preferred in corporate and government hiring, college admissions, and other areas. Is Mark Cuban sniffing glue? As long ago as the 1970’s, I couldn’t get a civil service job in NY because of the racial quota system used in government hiring. Nonwhites were routinely spotted 30 points on the hiring exams. If you were Black or Latino, you could score 70 out of 100 on a civil service exam and get the job no matter how many Whites outscored you.

It was called “affirmative action” (the term was first used by JFK in Executive Order 10925 in 1961), and it was common knowledge. Liberals swore it would never lead to racial hiring and college admissions quotas, but guess what? It did, and bigtime.


Complete text linked here.