Category Archives: Matt Walsh

Am I Racist? | Official Trailer

From the white guys who brought you “What Is A Woman?” comes “Am I Racist?” Matt Walsh goes deep undercover in the world of diversity, equity, and inclusion. Prepare to be shocked by how far race hustlers will go and how much further Matt Walsh will go to expose the grift, uncovering absurdities that will leave you laughing. “Am I Racist?” It’s not just a documentary, it’s a social experiment. Only in theaters September 13th, 2024.

This Is Why We Need To Abandon The Public School System (Video)

The head of the largest teachers union in the country gave a speech that was equal parts unhinged and meaningless.

This Viral Clip Is So Beyond Woke That It’s Funny (Video)

Can racism cause cancer? That was the premise of an episode of an NBC medical drama. It was not satire. Not intentionally, anyway.

What the Covenant Shooter Wrote and Why the Government Tried to Bury It (Video)

The Daily Wire has obtained several pages of the Covenant shooter’s writings. I am going to show you those pages today. There has been an effort, up to the highest levels of government, to hide this information from us. As more and more information about the shooter, her mindset, and her potential motivations comes out, the reason for all the secrecy becomes clear.

If You Thought Disney Couldn’t Get Any Worse, Think Again (Video)

Disney has released its “gayest” Star Wars show yet. They have apparently learned nothing from their string of failures over the past several years.

Matt Walsh Has An Honest Conversation With Vivek Ramaswamy (Video)

Matt Walsh sits down with Vivek Ramaswamy to discuss the 2024 election and the American identity.

Unless We Reject This Belief System, We Are Doomed (Video)

The new CEO of NPR is a far left woke activist who rejects the very concept of truth. In that way, she illustrates everything that’s wrong with the news media.

Chaos Erupts In Congress Because Our Politicians Are The Dumbest Dimwits To Ever Exist (Video)

Today on the Matt Walsh Show, mayhem breaks out during a congressional hearing. It was a wild spectacle, but most of all extremely, extremely stupid. Also, the insane backlash continues against an NFL kicker who committed the sin of promoting marriage and family life to young women. Plus, Greg Abbott issues a pardon for a man who shot a BLM protester in self-defense. And NBC has a new documentary coming out, just in time for Pride Month, all about “queerness” in the animal kingdom.

The Public School System Is Covering Up A Massive Sex Abuse Scandal (Video)

Today on the Matt Walsh Show, several more public school teachers have been arrested this month for sexually abusing their students. This is part of a massive, decades-long abuse epidemic that has claimed millions of victims; yet, somehow, it still isn’t treated as a major scandal. Also, a man in DC fires an AR-15 at a car in the middle of his neighborhood. He’s already back on the street. Hunger strikers at Princeton claim it’s unfair that their hunger strike has made them hungry. And a liberal punk rock band has put out a cringy song that proves why punk rock is dead.

White Men Deserve Gratitude, Not Demonization | Ep. 1364 (Video)

Today on the Matt Walsh Show, the governor of Maine has announced a plan to get more women involved in the construction industry. This is, of course, part of a nationwide plan to chase men — especially white men — out of every occupation and field. This is the thanks white men get for building civilization. Also, the governor of New York claims that many black kids have never heard of computers. Protesters at Princeton attack the university for not providing medical aid to them as they choose to starve themselves. And an influencer on TikTok is here to inform us that it is our moral obligation to date fat people.