Category Archives: Law & Courts

White House Dem Arrested Impersonating Trump Voters & Committing Hate Crimes (Video)

Nate The Lawyer

Gina Carano WINS Against Disney In Lawsuit Dismissal Attempt, GET WOKE GO BROKE (Video)


Moment vile hate preacher Anjem Choudary is arrested for masterminding outlawed terror ring (Video)

HATE preacher Anjem Choudary is facing a life sentence after being found guilty today of masterminding an outlawed group. The 57-year-old is the first-ever Brit to be convicted for membership of the extremist Islamic group al-Muhajiroun(ALM) under Britain’s anti-terror laws.

Tucker Carlson | Clean up our justice system! Vote for Trump in 2024. (Video)

The Truth About J6 Exposed Once Again

We Are In CULTURAL WARFARE, Juries Will ARREST & Lock Up Conservatives Even If They’re Innocent, J6 (Video)

Timcast IRL

Marine Le Pen UNDER INVESTIGATION Over Illicit Financing, Leftists Keep Arresting Opponents (Video)

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Konstantin Kisin “Arrested for a Social Media Post” (Video)

Today, we take a look at Konstantin Kisin’s video where he discusses the concept of free speech in society and how it has been under attack. A girl got arrested because she posted song lyrics that contained the “N” word. What do you think?

Risky Texas Rangers Operation CRUSH Mexican Cartel Base (Video)

United States-Mexico border crisis. In 2021, Texas Governor Greg Abbott launched Operation Lone Star and deployed thousands of Texas National Guard troops to the Southwest border. In October 2023, a special operations unit of the Texas Rangers stormed a strategic island that was used by various cartels for smuggling. This operation was part of a larger campaign to secure the islands of the Rio Grande bordering Texas and Mexico, and the territorial integrity of the United States.

Randy Travis Exposes Radio’s 100 Years Of ROBBERY! (Video)

Randy Travis recently appeared in front of the members of Congress to testify on the American Music Fairness Act. Speaking on behalf of Randy Travis, his wife Mary Davis spoke about how Radio has been exploiting a loophole on copyrights.

SCOTUS REJECTS DOJ’s Felony Charges Against J6ers For Impeding An Official Preceding (Video)

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