Category Archives: James O’Keefe

REVEALED: Disney GET Program Pushes Transgender Agenda; Uses Consumer Funds for Gender Reassignment (Video)

O’Keefe Media Group reveals internal videos and documents exposing Disney’s G.E.T. (Gender Expression and Transitioning) program, which promotes the notion that being “authentically me” involves altering one’s natural body. The G.E.T. program video pressures Disney employees to conform to the demands of their gender transitioning co-workers.

Insider Leaks Disney’s Hidden LGBTQ Youth Programs and Children’s Pride Events (Video)

An insider source at Disney has provided OMG with startling internal documents and communications. These documents reveal Disney’s promotion of Pride events for children that involve n*ked men, maps of Disney-sponsored pride parades nationwide, Disney’s covert partnership with “Zebra Youth,” a program supporting LGBTQ youth ages 13-24, and messages about polys*xual virtual hangouts.

Disney Marketing Director Genie Gurnani Reveals Push for More LGBT Content and Drag Queens (Video)

‘It’s the unspoken thing for children to see LGBTQ content,’ says Walt Disney’s Creative Marketing Director, Drag Queen Amit “Genie” Gurnani, into OMG’s hidden camera.

Disney VP Discriminatory Hiring Practices: “There’s No Way We’re Hiring a White Male.” (Video)

Senior Vice President at The Walt Disney Company details discriminatory hiring practices: “Nobody else is going to tell you this, but they’re not considering any white males for the job,” says Michael Giordano, a Vice President of Business affairs, “there’s no way we’re hiring a white male.”

Rep. Hageman Highlight’s OMG’s Investigation: IRS Uses AI to Spy on Americans’ Bank Accounts (Video)

Rep. Harriet Hageman highlights OMG’s undercover investigation during a House Judiciary Committee hearing. The investigation revealed an IRS official admitting that AI is used to surveil Americans’ bank accounts without warrants. This unconstitutional surveillance is controlled by the DOJ and Inspector General, attacking our privacy and constitutional rights.

GMA Producer Nick Cirone: “Sometimes the truth has a very clear slant in one direction.” (Video)

Cirone admits the show selects stories and uses contributors to align with their bias. He adds needing to “watch out for” James O’Keefe taking footage “out of context,” unaware he’s speaking to O’Keefe’s undercover journalist.

Biden Official: We Can’t Go Against Israel until Term 2; Israel ‘Lies, Bombs, Kills All These Kids’ (Video)

A current White House official on staff with the National Security Council stated in a Project Veritas undercover recording that President Joe Biden is waiting for a second term to condemn Israel’s actions in Gaza but can’t say so due to ‘powerful Jewish influences’ that could cost him the election.

U.S. Air Force analyst confirms no data exists to support DEI policies and say they cheat the system (Video)

DEI Conspiracy in Air Force: “We basically contacted everybody who had a title like that and got them to sneakily change their title so it doesn’t sound as diversity oriented even though it is,” reveals Jake Reyna, Department of Defense and U.S. Air Force Operations Research Analyst for the Office of the Secretary of the Air Force in the Office of Diversity and Inclusion. Believing Republicans have attempted to cut back on the government’s use of discriminatory DEI policies “just to fuck with the [DEI] system,” Reyna confesses on undercover footage caught by O’Keefe Media Group that the Air Force manipulates job titles to cheat the system out of a higher salary for DEI personnel.

O’Keefe’s Conversation With CIA Program Manager Amjad Fseisi Who Said CIA Withheld Info From Trump (Video)

O’Keefe Media Group

OMG Exclusive with James O’Keefe featuring Erik Prince (Video)

On this episode James O’Keefe sits down with controversial Blackwater founder and true patriot Erik Prince and Erik drops some exclusive bombshells!