Category Archives: Ron Paul

Tucker Carlson 7/13/24 | Breaking News (Video)

For a man who correctly predicted most of the big disasters of the last twenty years, Ron Paul is remarkably humble.

Weekly Update — Final Nail in America’s Coffin? (Video)


Lindsey Graham In Ukraine: ‘More Of You Need To Die’ (Video)

Sen. Lindsey Graham traveled (again) to Ukraine to try and whip up more war fever. This time he scolded the Ukrainian government for not conscripting younger kids to die in the US proxy war with Russia. Also today: Europeans are quitting the military in high numbers. A return to the draft is in the works in many countries. Finally: Israel has a new plan to steal more Gaza land…

Ron Paul Predicted Today’s Disasters. What’s Next? (Video)

For a man who correctly predicted most of the big disasters of the last twenty years, Ron Paul is remarkably humble.

Graphic Quotes: Ron Paul on Following the Constitution w/Video

Ron Paul on the shenanigans.

Poll: Is this Ray Epps at the Ron Paul Las Vegas Tea Party in 2007? (Videos)

We would like your help. Please compare pics and videos. Voice and mannerisms. Let us know if you think this is Ray Epps in the pic and video from 2007.

Ray Epps?, Ron Paul Tea Party 2007
Ray Epps, January 6th, 2021

In the video from the Ron Paul Tea Party, our subject (is this Ray Epps?) sticks his face in the camera. It was said he was an agent provocateur who advocated for doing illegal deeds.

More info to come based on results of poll.

Meat-Grinder: Biden KNEW Ukraine Couldn’t Win But Forced The ‘Counter-Offensive’ Anyway (Video)

Sometimes the most shocking mainstream media articles are the ones that are most obvious. Over the weekend the Wall Street Journal revealed that the Biden Administration knew Ukraine had little chance against Russia but pushed them to launch a counter-offensive anyway. Thousands continue to die in a war even Washington believes is hopeless. Also today: Nobel Prize-winning physicist “cancelled” for having the “wrong” opinion on climate.

Who Is Provoking WWIII? (Video)

While economically suffering at home, Americans are being plundered to finance Ukraine’s war against Russia to the tune of over $100+ BILLION so far. Meanwhile, the U.S. government plans to increase the number of US troops training Taiwanese forces. Absolutely none of this has anything to do with defending America, or protecting our safety. It does, on the other hand, ratchet up tensions with Russia and China, both of which are major nuclear powers.

Graphic Quotes: Ron Paul on the Role of Government

“Americans have a lot of rethinking to do when it comes to the role of government. Its legitimate function is to protect the liberty of each individual. But over the last 100 years, government has shifted to treating people, not as individuals, but as members of groups, and then using force to dispense privileges to favored groups. Government has become the greatest threat to each citizen’s liberty!” – Ron Paul


Mainstream Media Scrambles As Covid Narrative Crumbles (Video)

The Wall Street Journal has published a blistering takedown of vaccine manufacturers and the Biden Administration for what it claims is a deceptive campaign to push bivalent Covid vaccine boosters. Meanwhile Elon Musk breaks his silence about his horrible reaction to the shots and a relatively unvaccinated Africa has surprisingly (or not) far fewer covid deaths. Finally…is Rand right on Biden’s Document-gate?