Category Archives: Citizen Journalism

Disney Marketing Director Genie Gurnani Reveals Push for More LGBT Content and Drag Queens (Video)

‘It’s the unspoken thing for children to see LGBTQ content,’ says Walt Disney’s Creative Marketing Director, Drag Queen Amit “Genie” Gurnani, into OMG’s hidden camera.

Biden’s State Dept Official Admits Great Replacement is Real; ‘They Want to Change the Demographics of the United States’ (Video)

“Traditional, standard Americans are not leftists. Latin Americans are all leftists. This is just to try and change the demographics [of the United States].” – U.S. Consular Officer

GMA Producer Nick Cirone: “Sometimes the truth has a very clear slant in one direction.” (Video)

Cirone admits the show selects stories and uses contributors to align with their bias. He adds needing to “watch out for” James O’Keefe taking footage “out of context,” unaware he’s speaking to O’Keefe’s undercover journalist.

What Really Happened on Whitehall on St. George’s Day: Citizen Journalist’s First-Hand Account (Video)

On this episode of Deprogrammed, host Harrison Pitt of the European Conservative is joined by SDP London mayoral candidate Amy Gallagher and special guest Charlie Samson, political commentator and citizen journalist, who tells us what really happened when the police confronted English patriots in Whitehall on St George’s Day.

OMG: Special Advisor to Biden Cabinet Reveals Who Is Really Running the White House (Video)

O’Keefe Media Uncovers who is really running the White House. Undercover cameras catch Special Advisor Tyler Robinson call former Facebook Board Member and Current White House Chief of Staff Jeff Zients “the second most powerful person in Washington” where “whatever this guy says, it’s what the President says.” Asked by OMG’s American Swiper Citizen Journalist “is Jeff [Zeints] more powerful than Kamala [Harris],” Robinson confirms “Yeah.” Robinson also states that Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton are still involved behind the scenes at the White House.

CIA Officer Admits To Undercover Journalist That FBI Agents Attended January 6 Protest At Capitol (Video)

When asked if the public will ever find out, the officer responded, “Nope. And they probably never will.”

An official with the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) told an undercover journalist that members of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) were in attendance at the protests at the U.S. Capitol on January 6, 2021, and also highlighted methods that intelligence agencies use to disempower political opponents.

Gavin O’Blennis, a self-proclaimed Contracting Officer for the CIA and former member of the FBI, was caught on camera by an undercover journalist with Sound Investigations as he discussed January 6. O’Blennis claimed that former President Donald Trump incited a riot before going on to say that roughly 20 undercover FBI agents were in the crowd.

“I thought you said that there were FBI agents in the crowd at J6?” the undercover journalist asked O’Blennis.


Complete text linked here.

Behind The Scenes With OMG as James O’Keefe Recaps The Night With Aidan Grey (aka Jason Beck) – Video

O’Keefe Media Group

O’Keefe Assaulted by Eagles Point Security, Child Identities Kept Secret in Converted Ramada Hotel. (Video)

“SPRAY ALL OF THEM”: James O’Keefe physically assaulted by Eagles Point security, guarding the secret Ramada Hotel at 631 Camino. O’Keefe’s team posed as pest control and gained access to a white board showing all the organizations and names involved in the operation, including Catholic Charities and University of California San Diego.

Judge Arthur Engoron Tells James O’Keefe in Gym He Gets “Lots of Hate Mail” But Is “Strong” (Video)

An insider where the Judge works out at Equinox in Great Neck, NY, also recorded Judge Engoron “creeping girls out.” Sources say Engoron does this “every visit” each morning. The video shows a woman using a machine clearly annoyed and gesturing with her hands for him to ‘back off.’

OMG Infiltrates SECRET Converted Illegal Immigrant Compound CASA ALITAS Ramada Hotel (Video)

This secret operation is funded by Catholic Community Services of Tucson and enriches groups like, “Las Palmas.” O’Keefe disguised himself as a homeless drunk vagrant and Mexican illegals wore hidden cameras to gain entrance inside. Ashley St. Clair and Nick Shirley caught on tape Police confirming refugees are “lying about sponsors.”