Category Archives: Bobby Jindal

Bobby Jindal: Arrest Mayors of Sanctuary Cities as Accessories to Illegal Alien Crime

Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal is calling on mayors of sanctuary cities to be arrested as accomplices to the crimes illegal aliens receiving special treatment in their cities commit.

“Absolutely, I would hold them as an accomplice,” Jindal said on Boston Herald Radio on Monday morning, as reported by BuzzFeed, Jindal said of mayors of sanctuary cities. “Make them criminally culpable. I’d also make them civilly liable so that families, victims’ families could sue. Especially if the prosecutor isn’t taking action or the mayor’s not changing their ways, I’d allow the families to go to court as well to recover damages.”

In late July, Jindal released a detailed plan—his “Partners In Crime Plan”—to hold officials in sanctuary cities accountable for what they have done.

The plan calls first for Congress to “criminalize” sanctuary cities existing by “making city officials that enact those policies as an accessory to the crimes committed by the illegal aliens those policies enabled.”

Secondly, Jindal’s plan would have Congress give “standing to victims and their families to civilly sue local, state, and federal officials for failing to enforce the Immigration and Naturalization Act (INA) or failing to bring criminal charges of accessory against public officials that enact these policies.”


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Bobby Jindal Takes Down Oregon Shooter’s Father Again for Calls for Gun Control

“This killer’s father is now lecturing us on the need for gun control and he says he has no idea how or where his son got the guns….He’s a complete failure as a father; he should be embarrassed to even show his face in public. He’s the problem here.”

On Sunday, Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal, who had already slammed Ian Mercer, the father of Umpqua Community College shooter Christopher Harper-Mercer, as a “complete failure as a father,” doubled down on ABC’s This Week.

Jindal said:

I absolutely believe he has no right to be lecturing the rest of us. Look, gun control is not going to solve this … He, by his own admission, didn’t know how his son got those guns, didn’t know how many guns his son had, by his own admission wasn’t involved in his son’s life, hadn’t been communicating with him since he was living with his mother. He doesn’t need to be lecturing us on gun control.

Jindal pointed out that American society had deteriorated morally, stating, “We have a moral decay going on in our culture. We’ve got graphic violence in our movies, our video games, our TV shows. We have got senseless violence being depicted in our songs. We’ve got a culture that doesn’t value life. We’ve got millions of boys growing up without father figures, without that guidance at home.”


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Bobby Jindal at AFP: “Immigration without Assimilation is Invasion”

“If you want to come to our country, come legally, learn English, adopt our values and when you get here, roll up your sleeves and get to work. We have got to insist on assimilation. Make no mistake about it immigration without assimilation — that’s not immigration. Immigration without assimilation is invasion.”

Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal was the last speaker at Day One of Americans for Prosperity’s Defending the Dream Summit in Columbus, Ohio. When he ended, the crowd was on its feet to the point that many ran to shake the governor’s hand while he was still on the stage.

In one of the most fiery speech ever given by the Louisiana Governor, Jindal’s 25-minute long speech took swings at his presidential rival opponents, Planned Parenthood, and the issue of immigration – all receiving thunderous applause from the summit audience.

“We have a bunch of senators running — nobody in D.C. has ever cut government spending,” Jindal said. “Look, they give great speeches, they filibuster, and I am proud they have large bladders, but that is not enough.”

Jindal argued his executive experienced as governor and his proven track record is what is needed to take on the political establishment in Washington to cut the size of government. “I don’t have a famous last name, my daddy wasn’t president, I don’t have my own reality TV show, I’m not the best speaker, and I’m not the best-looking candidate. But I am the candidate best prepared to hit the ground running on that first day. Our next commander in chief will be across the table from Putin, from an ayatollah. He better not need a TelePrompTer,” Jindal said.


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Bobby Jindal Plays Planned Parenthood Videos on Massive Screen Outside Governor’s Mansion

Bobby Jindal is showing once more he’s making the biggest play of any 2016 candidate for the pro-life vote.

This afternoon, while abortion supporters protested outside the Governor’s mansion in Baton Rouge, Jindal set up a huge movie screen and speakers and played on a continuous loop all of the videos released in recent weeks showing the brutality of Planned Parenthood’s baby-parts business.

One of the problems faced by the Center for Medical Progress is that many people are refusing the watch the grisly undercover videos where Planned Parenthood personnel discuss dissecting aborted babies in order to sell their eyes, lungs, livers, hearts, and even brains.

Among the handful of states that have either started investigations or defunded Planned Parenthood altogether is Jindal’s Louisiana. Supporters of Planned Parenthood are protesting Jindal’s moves against Planned Parenthood funding. Earlier this month, Jindal ended the state’s Medicaid contract with Planned Parenthood.

Planned Parenthood’s Louisiana state director Melissa Flournoy said today, “Governor Jindal isn’t even in Louisiana today, but he’s made sure to prove that he’s always ready to put politics before Louisianan’s health.” She called his screening of the videos “a stunt”, which is certainly is, and certainly one to get under the skin of the protesters.


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Gov. Jindal Moves to Block Removal of All Historical Statues, Including Confederate

Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal (R) is looking for a way to block attempts to remove historical statues–statues of Confederate leaders in this instance–from their current positions in New Orleans.

Jindal’s presidential campaign described efforts to remove the Confederate statues as “political correctness run amok.”

The statues marked for removal include one of Confederate President Jefferson Davis and Confederate Generals Robert E. Lee and P.G.T. Beauregard. Breitbart News previously reported that New Orleans Mayor Mitch Landrieu was spearheading the effort to have the statues removed.

According to Buzzfeed, Jindal spokesperson Shannon Dirmann said:

The Governor opposes tearing down these historical statues and has instructed his staff to look into all relevant laws to determine the legal authority we have to stop it. We need to preserve our history to remember what we’ve learned and how far we’ve come. This is political correctness run amok. What’s next? Maybe we can edit our history books too, and then burn all the books we disagree with.

Mayor Landrieu did not comment on Jindal’s efforts to protect historical statues, but his spokesperson said the mayor is calling for “a 60-day period of public discussion to encourage opportunities for people to respectfully engage in public discussion about these statues … It is important that all those who are interested have an opportunity to share their perspective and opinion about this issue.”


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Bobby Jindal: Arrest Mayors of Sanctuary Cities as Accessories to Illegal Alien Crime

Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal, a 2016 GOP presidential candidate, is calling on mayors of sanctuary cities to be arrested as accomplices to the crimes illegal aliens receiving special treatment in their cities commit.

“Absolutely, I would hold them as an accomplice,” Jindal said on Boston Herald Radio on Monday morning, as reported by BuzzFeed, Jindal said of mayors of sanctuary cities. “Make them criminally culpable. I’d also make them civilly liable so that families, victims’ families could sue. Especially if the prosecutor isn’t taking action or the mayor’s not changing their ways, I’d allow the families to go to court as well to recover damages.”

In late July, Jindal released a detailed plan—his “Partners In Crime Plan”—to hold officials in sanctuary cities accountable for what they have done.

The plan calls first for Congress to “criminalize” sanctuary cities existing by “making city officials that enact those policies as an accessory to the crimes committed by the illegal aliens those policies enabled.”

Secondly, Jindal’s plan would have Congress give “standing to victims and their families to civilly sue local, state, and federal officials for failing to enforce the Immigration and Naturalization Act (INA) or failing to bring criminal charges of accessory against public officials that enact these policies.”


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Graphic Quotes: Bobby Jindal on Where the Democrats are Taking Us

Gov. Bobby Jindal takes on the Democratic Party and warned that U.S. is in danger of losing the American dream in exchange for the European nightmare. Do you agree?

Video: Bobby Jindal 2016 Presidential Announcement (Full Speech)

“The simple fact is they (President Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton) are trying to turn the American Dream into socialism. The folks in Washington may call that the American Dream, but out here in America, we call that the European Nightmare. To be clear, we are not simply trying to reclaim the past, no, quite to the contrary, we are laying our claim on the future, a future where America leads the world.” Bobby Jindal

‘Completely Shameful’: Jindal Blasts Obama’s Gun Violence Comments (Video)

“For whatever reason he always tries to divide us,” Jindal said of Obama. “Today was not the moment. This was not the time.”

Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal (R-La.) reacted to comments President Barack Obama made about the horrific shooting at a South Carolina church.

“Now is the time for mourning and for healing,” Obama said. “But let’s be clear: at some point, we as a country will have to reckon with the fact that this type of mass violence does not happen in other advanced countries.”

The suspect in the fatal shooting at Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church in Charleston killed nine people, including pastor and state Sen. Clementa Pinckney.


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Conservative stars offer crash-course in saving America

Security summit to spread the word among the grassroots.

Some of the top minds and leaders in the nation are asking for the help of ordinary citizens to protect America.

Conservative stars such as Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, and Gov. Bobby Jindal, R-La., want to spread word among the grassroots about the greatest dangers America faces and what people can do to effect solutions on a local level.

The South Carolina National Security Action Summit is open to the public and will be held Saturday from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. at the Brookland Baptist Banquet and Conference Center at 1066 Sunset Blvd., West Columbia, South Carolina.

Those who can’t attend in person may watch a livestream broadcast of the event on the website of High Frontier, which is co-sponsoring the event with the Center for Security Policy and Breitbart.