Category Archives: Books

Special Victim Status: The Era Of Woke Journalism (Video)

My interview with the author of this amazing book, Gregory Mantell

“Special Victim Status: The Era Of Woke Journalism by Ann Coulter

My interview with the author of this amazing book, Gregory Mantell Read on Substack

Biden In MASSIVE DEBT, $815k As NO ONE Buying His BOOK Despite Being “MOST POPULAR President Ever” (Video)


Memoirs of Napoleon Bonaparte by Baron De Meneval

At the same time, the legislation which was the result of this extraordinary assembly did not sufficiently satisfy all the hopes that had’ been staked upon it, but it was a useful precedent, and time might also bring with it efficacious reforms amongst the Jews, as well as a cessation of their hostilities against the Christians.

The Emperor was back in Paris from his tour in Italy on January Ist, 1808. During his stay in that country, and before his journey to Bayonne, there was published the result of the assembly of Israelites which preceded and followed the convocation of the great Sanhédrin. At the time of the 1805 campaign, Napoleon had been struck by the invasions of the Jewish race. He had given attention to the best means of remedying the damage caused in certain provinces, and notably in Alsatia, by the system of usury, which threatened to cast the finest estates in certain districts into the hands of a vile and degraded race. He wished also at the same time to lead the Jews on to the practice of mechanic and liberal professions, and to engage in indtistries of which honesty approved. To effect these useful reforms, an assembly of the principal Jews of France and Italy had been convoked in Paris, and there were appointed as commissioners of the government at this meeting, MM. Molé, Portalis and Pasquier. The result of this first meeting was the convocation of a great Sanhédrin, an extraordinary superior council, at which formerly state and church matters were decided upon in Jerusalem, and which had never been called together since the days before Jesus Christ. This council sui generis, which was held in Paris, in 1807, whilst Napoleon was fighting the Russians in Eastern Prussia, was composed in conformity with historical traditions. It was to formulate doctrinally the proposals discussed at the first meeting. M. Molé, the reporter, in his account of the motives which had decided the imperial government to call the Sanhédrin together, gave a magnificent eulogy of Napoleon. The novelty of such a spectacle, this resurrection of an authority and of customs dating from the darkest ages, excited very strong curiosity and interest at the time. Although the sittings were held in camera, a number of people managed to be present and the result was awaited with curiosity by the outside world. To the decisions rendered on political, civil and religious questions, which decisions were sanctioned by a decree, the Emperor added special clauses tending to encourage the Jews to engage in agriculture, and to render all illegal trafficking and practices of usury impossible amongst them. The exceptions from the rights common to other citizens which had necessarily to be imposed on the Jews, were limited to a period of ten years. The Emperor’s anxiety to settle all these questions won him the gratitude of the enlightened members of the Jewish world. At the same time, the legislation which was the result of this extraordinary assembly did not sufficiently satisfy all the hopes that had’ been staked upon it, but it was a useful precedent, and time might also bring with it efficacious reforms amongst the Jews, as well as a cessation of their hostilities against the Christians.

Click here to read the Memoirs of Napoleon Bonaparte.

Who Fights for Legacy Americans? (Video)

Jeremy Carl joins us to talk about his new book The Unprotected Class

The Indoctrinated Brain | Full Measure (Video)

Now, a fascinating interview with a doctor who is among those making a connection between COVID and a mental shift in some people that seem to make them behave like sheep. Lisa Fletcher interviews Dr. Michael Nehls about his new bestseller, “The Indoctrinated Brain.”

African Genesis; a personal investigation into the animal origins and nature of man – Book

By Robert Ardrey

Click here to read African Genesis.

Ulysses by James Joyce: Great Books Explained

Even before James Joyce’s Ulysses was published it was causing trouble. Short excerpts appeared in a review magazine, and the US postal service claiming it was pornography refused to deliver the magazines and then burnt all the copies.

The Book that the West Needs – with Stephen Blackwood (Video)

In this discussion, we talk about Stephen’s wonderful book, The Consolation of Boethius as Poetic Liturgy, an exploration of The Consolation of Philosophy, a book by Boethius. We discuss Boethius’ role and contribution to the Medieval Western world and the amazing treasury of wisdom and consolation he can still offer us today. His legacy beautifully bridges and synthesizes the ancient pagan world, and a secular space, with the foundations and hope of a Christian vision.

Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland: Great Books Explained (Video)

As internet users, we all understand the expression “Going Down a Rabbit Hole”, which comes from the much-loved book, Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland. The book famously begins when the main character, Alice, follows a white rabbit underground, and finds herself going deeper and deeper into a strange world – somewhere in which normal social rules, and even laws of physics, are suspended.

Great Gatsby: Great Books Explained (Video)

This is a story about the American Dream. No other decade defined America like the 1920s. The country was coming into its own and fulfilling its promise of freedom and prosperity, but already the dream was showing its cracks, and the decade that followed would test America to its very core. One book would serve as a prophetic warning to its audience and still offer a glimmer of hope about the American ideal.