Category Archives: Political Correctness

The BBC only mention ethnicity in crimes when the suspect is white (Video)

Britain’s national broadcaster carefully avoids all mention of ethnicity or skin-colour when reporting crime, unless the suspected perpetrator happens to be white.

In Britain, nobody dare criticise books written by black people, for fear of appearing racist (Video)

Non-fiction books by black authors about British society are invariably greeted with admiration and delight by all progressive people.

FEMA Says DISASTER EQUITY In Viral Video, White Christian Men LAST IN LINE For FEMA Aid (Video)


Air Force Unit Drops Nickname After It’s Labeled Offensive to Muslims

“Squadron associations will have to be renamed. It is like we’ve been canceled,” one aviator said. “Somehow, now, in 2024, ‘Crusaders’ is an offensive term. Previously, nobody was offended.”

An air unit formed in the days when pilots were considered knights and gentlemanly combat ruled the sky has been stripped of its historical nickname after fears it could be offensive to Muslim communities.

The Royal Air Force’s 14 Squadron was forced to drop the “Crusader” title after an official complaint was filed against the unit.

According to a news report, a single complaint sparked a campaign against the nickname. Aviators and crewmen were told to remove all instances of the name around their hangars.

“We have to take down every mention of Crusaders from our base,” one aviator told the Daily Mail.


Complete text linked here.

The Home Office tries to mislead us about the ethnicity most involved in certain offences (Video)

The British Home Office uses sleight of hand to conceal some uncomfortable facts.

John Waters: Hate Speech Laws & Politicians Selling Ireland Out (Video)

Gript Media

TX Gov. Mandates “Safe Space” Exception for Jewish Students (Video)

Glenn Greenwald

The decline and fall of Trafalgar Square, which was once the heart of London (Video)

It began with erecting a statue to a bloodthirsty fanatic and now even Easter is being ignored there; Trafalgar Square is no longer a centre for the celebration of patriotism

Rob Henderson: How luxury beliefs took over the elite (Video)

Why are the top 1% so politically correct? Rob Henderson coined the term ‘luxury beliefs’ to explain how affluent people signal high status with ‘woke’ ideas. In his new memoir ‘Troubled’, Henderson tells the story of a difficult childhood and how it opened his eyes to the hypocrisy of America’s elite. He joins UnHerd’s Freddie Sayers to discuss the concept of luxury beliefs and much more.

The War on Noticing | Steve Sailer (Video)

Race, culture, human biodiversity with the man who “notices.”

Pariah to some, and prophet to others, Steve Sailer is one of the most thought-provoking writers in America today. A journalist and blogger known for his writings on race, genetics, and intelligence, he has at times been accused of “inventing” identity politics for the right, though that’s perhaps of a byproduct of his own brand of ruthlessly interrogating the data and offering his own conclusions, no matter how blunt.

Steve has a new book out, Noticing, a compendium of his writings on observations on culture, immigration, class, politics, and human biodiversity going back to the 1970s.


Complete text and video linked here.