Category Archives: Thomas DiLorenzo

Why Socialists Want to Destroy Western Civilization and Christianity | Prof. DiLorenzo (Video)

What is the Aim of Political Correctness? Why do socialists want to destroy Western civilization and Christianity? What does multiculturalism really represent? Prof. Thomas DiLorenzo starts with a quote from the book “Socialism: An Economic and Sociological Analysis” by Ludwig von Mises, first published in German by Gustav Fischer Verlag in Jena in 1922. Thomas James DiLorenzo is an American economics professor at Loyola University Maryland Sellinger School of Business.

Prof. DiLorenzo: How Cultural Marxism Destroyed Education (Video)

Thomas James DiLorenzo (born August 8, 1954) is an American economics professor at Loyola University Maryland Sellinger School of Business. In this clip, he talks about how leftists switched from economic socialism to cultural marxism and how this affected education, especially at universities.

Thomas DiLorenzo: This is How Cultural Marxism Destroys Education (Video)

Thomas James DiLorenzo (born August 8, 1954) is an American economics professor at Loyola University Maryland Sellinger School of Business. In this clip, he talks about how leftists switched from economic socialism to cultural marxism and how this affected education, especially at universities.

The Dirty Secrets of Socialism (Or, The Purpose of Political Correctness) by Thomas DiLorenzo

What are socialism’s dirty secrets that must be kept from America’s youth? Let’s examine a few of them.

Parents of college-age children are finally catching on to the cultural Marxist PC scam. Cries of “insensitivity” every time a conservative or libertarian speaker appears anywhere near a college campus; “safe rooms” equipped with play dough, soft music, and videos of frolicking puppies; the endless accusations of “racist/sexist/homophobe” aimed at all non-leftists on campus; and widely-publicized episodes of vulgar, ignorant, x-rated, “students” screaming their heads off at conservative campus speakers have exposed the real purpose of political correctness: censorship of any and all non-Marxist ideas. It’s not about fighting racism, sexism, etc.; it’s about censoring the ideas of freedom.

Today’s college students have been –and are being – trained to be intolerant, totalitarian-minded, communist thugs. All for a mere 50 grand a year at even mediocre institutions of “higher education.”

This all began after the worldwide collapse of socialism in the late 1980s. Socialists never give up on their dream of ordering their fellow human beings around, plundering them with taxes, and enriching themselves in the process. Very few of the twentieth-century socialist ideologues ever admitted that they were disastrously wrong, or apologized for providing aid and comfort to the likes of Stalin, Mao, and Castro. Instead, they and their intellectual descendants have worked tirelessly to invent a virtual socialist reality – at least in the minds of America’s youth – while censoring all dissenting opinions. Socialism’s dirty secrets must never be revealed to America’s youth, lest they revolt against the giant lying machine known as “higher education.” (There are a few exceptions, of course, but most of academe is now dominated by the totalitarian, cultural Marxist Left).


Complete text linked here.

How Universities Silence Truth—And What We Can Do About It (Video)

Tom DiLorenzo humiliates modern academia.

The Latest Leftist Smear of Patriots and Constitutionalists by Thomas J. DiLorenzo

With the advent of the TEA Party and the Republican takeover of the U.S. House of Representatives, the SPLC issued one of its cartoonish “intelligence reports” on “The Year in Hate,” bemoaning the “explosive growth” of “the radical right.” Everyone on the “right” is a “radical extremist.” There are no radicals or extremists on the left in the eyes of the extreme radical communists at the SPLC.

The communistic rabble-rousers at the left-wing hate group known as the Southern Poverty Law Center have produced yet another libelous smear of well-meaning Americans who would like to see their Constitution enforced. This time the smears, lies, false innuendo, character assassination, and hate are directed at all those who believe that part of the definition of an American patriot is one who believes in the founding fathers’ philosophy of limited constitutional government.

The Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) is a far-left hate group whose modus operandi is to attempt to censor criticisms of big government in America by calling people names. If you are a Jeffersonian who believes that limited and decentralized government is better than unlimited, centralized, monopolistic government, then they will label you a racist, a slavery defender, or worse. If you are a Ron Paul constitutionalist, they will insinuate that you are probably a terrorist who would like to blow up government buildings. If you are not a leftist, then you are, by definition, a “hater.” If you are a critic of the welfare state, it is because you hate poor people. If you are a critic of the government school bureaucracy, it is because you hate children. If you are a critic of racial hiring quotas (which are supposedly illegal under the Civil Rights Act of 1964), then you are a racist. If you oppose socialized medicine, it is because you hate sick people. If you are a critic of the Ponzi scheme known as “social security,” it is because you hate old people. There cannot possibly be any intellectual reasons to doubt government intervention; all criticisms of intervention are motivated by hate and nothing else according to the Southern Poverty Law Center.

With the advent of the TEA Party and the Republican takeover of the U.S. House of Representatives, the SPLC issued one of its cartoonish “intelligence reports” on “The Year in Hate,” bemoaning the “explosive growth” of “the radical right.” Everyone on the “right” is a “radical extremist.” There are no radicals or extremists on the left in the eyes of the extreme radical communists at the SPLC.


Original source.