Category Archives: Culture

A major London museum literally erases the history of straight, white, Christian, English families (Video)

The Museum of the Home, formerly the Geffrey Museum, has decided that only the history of immigrants is important and has removed any reference to ordinary white, English, Christian families over the last two hundred years.

Ancient Chinese civilisation was a product of European intelligence and enterprise (Video)

It is often claimed that China rose independently as a great civilisation of the ancient world, but this is not true. It was largely a product of Europe and the Middle East.

The Albert Memorial; a monument to Western civilisation is condemned as outdated and offensive (Video)

The Royal Parks website has described the Albert memorial as offensive, for celebrating European art, culture and science.

“They’re Going to Win” – Will Muslims Run America in 30 Years? (Video)

Patrick Bet-David moderates a religious discussion between Muslims and Christians. In this short clip, they discuss why America might have a Muslim majority in the future. Today’s guests were Daniel Haqiqatjou, Robert Spencer, Brother Rachid, and Jake Brancatella.

Inside the America Nobody Talks About (Video)

Straddled between the high mountains and the desert is a special land, home to the White Mountain Apache Tribe. The rez has fallen on some challenging times of crime, drugs, and unemployment but also has hope and some fantastic people. Join me and the locals as we travel into a surreal corner of America that most of us have no understanding of.

Are those who love the English countryside ‘NIMBYs’, because we don’t want to see it concreted over? (Video)

Plans are afoot by the new government to start building on the Green Belt, and anybody who objects is being portrayed as selfish and uncaring of the rising generation. Why do we need all those new homes anyway?

Literally Hitler. Why Can’t We Talk About Him? | Candace Ep 17 (Video)

Kyle Rittenhouse is apparently a bad person for not giving his family money, Paris Hilton testifies on Capitol Hill over the criminal treatment of kids in foster care, Newsweek runs a piece about how Taylor Swift is not a good role model, and today we also talk about Hitler.

National Divorce Will Result In A CIVIL WAR, Political Divide In America Is GETTING WORSE (Video)

Timcast IRL

Joe Biden Managing The END Of The US, Richard Spencer, Andrew Wilson | The Culture War with Tim Pool (Video)


‘No such thing as Great Britain anymore!’: Veteran appalled by the nation he sacrificed all for (Video)

D-Day Veteran, Les Underwood, shares his incredible story and expresses his disappointment in the state of the nation today.