James Carville: Republicans Have to Beat Hillary Clinton in 2016 or the GOP Will Be Extinct (Video)

“This will be the sixth out of seven elections in which they’ve lost the popular vote, The Republicans want to win this. That will be the biggest issue in January 2016: how can we beat Hillary Clinton?”

Sunday on ABC’s “This Week” with George Stephanopoulos, Democratic strategist and former Clinton adviser James Carville discussed the 2016 presidential election:

“Fast forward to January 2016,” Carville said. “The most likely, though not the only scenario is Hillary Clinton is the presumptive nominee. Everybody’s going to have a poll in the field showing how they fare against Hillary. They’re not going to not nominate somebody because of Common Core. Trust me,The party knows, and I use this word advisedly, that if it loses the 2016 presidential election, the Republican Party as we know it today will be extinct.”

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