Rush uncorks on major Republican ‘betrayal’ (Video)

‘I never thought I would live to see this kind of self-sabotage’

The Republican Party “betrayed” its own candidate, Ken Cuccinelli, in the race for Virginia governor, says radio talk-show host Rush Limbaugh, claiming party leaders want to make New Jersey’s Chris Christie the GOP frontrunner for president in 2016.

“It’s a shame what happened to Ken Cuccinelli,” the top conservative voice said in his post-election analysis Wednesday. “He was betrayed by his own party. … Here was their chance to have a Republican governor in the state of Virginia, and they didn’t care.”

Cuccinelli was defeated Tuesday by Democrat Terry McAuliffe with a thin margin of just over two percentage points, 47.74 percent to 45.29 percent. Robert Sarvis, a Libertarian candidate, collected 6.52 percent of the vote.

Meanwhile, Christie cruised to re-election as New Jersey’s governor, with a landslide victory over Barbara Buono.

Limbaugh lashed into the GOP establishment’s treatment of tea-party favorite Cuccinelli, saying, “They didn’t want him to win, this is the dirty little secret. I don’t even think it’s a secret now. Such is the animus toward the tea party in the Republican Party establishment that they are perfectly comfortable with a Christie win and a Cuccinelli loss, because to them, that’s a tea-party loss. So now the Republican establishment can run around and claim the tea party is an albatross around their neck. The tea party is the death knell, they’ll say.”


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