Mutually Assured Destruction: USA Today Attacks TruthRevolt and Media Matters

For too long conservatives have ceded our cities and beachheads

USA Today, the most widely circulated newspaper in the country, published an op-ed by Patrick Maines on Thursday excoriating TruthRevolt and Media Matters for indecency and the stifling of free expression.

Under the headline “The Revolting Truth About Free Speech” – modified simply to “Truth Revolt vs. Media Matters: Column” in the online edition – the piece outlines with derision TruthRevolt’s mandate of “making advertisers and funders aware of the leftist propaganda they sponsor.”

The problem is not that such campaigns violate the First Amendment. Indeed, when groups such as Truth Revolt or Media Matters conjure up campaigns against their ideological enemies, and even when they attempt to silence individuals or media companies by attacking their commercial supporters, they are engaging in fully protected constitutional speech. But that doesn’t mean it’s consistent with any decent regard for freedom of speech.

In fairness, Mr. Maines, who serves as president of the Media Institute, “a nonprofit organization that promotes freedom of speech, sound communications policies and journalistic excellence,” isn’t new to this argument.


Complete text linked here.

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