‘Dreamers’ to code alongside Mark Zuckerberg in Fwd.us hackathon

The hackathon will take place on Nov. 21 and 22 and is being hosted at LinkedIn’s headquarters in Mountain View, Calif., by LinkedIn founder and venture capitalist Reid Hoffman.

Mark Zuckerberg’s immigration advocacy group Fwd.us is planning to hold a hackathon next month for young undocumented immigrants as it tries to refocus attention on immigration reform.

Famous coders including the Facebook chief executive and Dropbox’s Drew Houston will team with those who came to the U.S. as children, often referred to as “Dreamers,” to build tools that address “the problems within our immigration system,” according to Fwd.us President Joe Green. Fwd.us will then work with the teams to get the projects up and running.

The event is designed to swivel the spotlight to Zuckerberg’s call for a comprehensive overhaul of the nation’s immigration policies as well as loosening restrictions on visas for skilled workers such as engineers and scientists.

“There’s been a lot of delay and too little action coming from Washington this month. We hope that momentum coming from our hackathon — and the technology it creates — can help move immigration reform forward,” Green said.

Zuckerberg visited Capitol Hill last month to press members of Congress in private meetings to support an immigration overhaul. The legislation has stalled in the GOP-led house months after the Senate passed a bill that eventually would grant citizenship to millions of undocumented immigrants.


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