Hands Off Jihadists, Arrest Patriots

Hunting down a non-Muslim, innocent, white American veteran, and sending him far away from his family, friends, and attorneys — all the while apologizing, bowing down, and excusing our country as a hotbed of Islamophobia has become a hallmark of this administration…and, by extension, the Federal Bureau of Investigation.

The FBI has a double standard when it targets people suspected as threats to our national security. How could they have questioned the now deceased Boston bomber, Tamerlan Tsarnaev, placed him on a terrorist watch list, and entered him into a database for suspected international terrorists, but let him roam free until he blew somebody up?

Major Nidal Hasan

How could the FBI have allowed Major Nidal Hasan, who ended up murdering 13 people in Ft. Hood, Texas, to keep his rank and continue to teach even when they had evidence that he was in contact with a known terrorist? And how could they have cuffed and thrown into jail with lightning speed a patriot like ex-Marine Brandon Raub of Chesterfield, Virginia, whose only apparent violation was political incorrectness through his right to free speech?

Why does America’s justice system treat alleged radical criminals with kid gloves while patriots are guilty until proven innocent?

When two FBI agents showed up on ex-Marine Brandon Raub’s front porch last year to interview him, all they had was a Facebook page of rap song lyrics, political opinions on government cabals, talk of a an impending revolution, and what they said were “complaints” about his “threatening posts.” No jihad videos, no long list of warnings from co-workers, no threats to ‘kill Americans,” no domestic violence charges, no trips to Russia, no connections to Islamic fundamentalists, and no mention of “Allahu Akbar.”


Complete text linked here.

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