Brandon Darby on Breitbart: ‘I can’t even begin to describe what he did in my life’ (Video)

“This guy calls me, and he says, ‘My name is Andrew Breitbart, and you bought a truck from my friend. I hope you don’t mind that I’m calling you.’ And I’m like, ‘What’s up, man?’ And he said, ‘Well, thank you for what you did.’ And I said, ‘That’s really strange, Andrew, that you would say that, because no one other than FBI agents and a couple of people who would be firebombed have said that.”

In an exclusive interview with The Daily Caller, former progressive Brandon Darby discussed his unlikely friendship with the late conservative media icon Andrew Breitbart.

Darby became an FBI informant and testified in court about the conspiracy to bomb the 2008 GOP convention with homemade Molotov cocktails.


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