UK to make social media rules stricter

Britain’s Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) has focused on discussing rules on social media, with the ultimate goal of introducing guidelines for controlling abusive comments on Twitter and Facebook.

The UK police have been getting involved in a number of cases, which involve sentencing people for social media offences on social networking sites such as Facebook or Twitter.

This comes after cases like Norwegian mass killer, Anders Breivik, who murdered 77 people in two attacks was given support from racist far-right regimes on Facebook.

A 23-year-old National Front supporter left a message on Facebook stating: “[Breivik] is truly inspirational. He sacrificed his life so Europe might be free again from the clutches of Islam and cultural Marxism, multiculturalism and political correctness. I see him as my role model, what every European man needs to be in order for Europe to survive.”

Nick Greger, another far-right supporter of Breivik wrote on Facebook that the Norwegian deserved a medal “for the groundbreaking performance to blow up his Marxist traitor government building”.

The CPS has included academics, media lawyers, bloggers and the police to be participating at a month-long discussion regarding social media offenses.


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