Obama Takes No Questions From Press Corps, Schedules Interview With Telemundo

Today, President Obama gave a statement in the White House Rose Garden about the Islamist stormings of the American embassy in Cairo and the consulate in Libya. He took no questions.

That doesn’t mean he’s running from questions. Today, Jose Diaz-Balart of Telemundo announced he’d be interviewing President Obama tonight in Las Vegas. This is not Diaz-Balart’s first interview with Obama. Back in April, he grilled President Obama with questions like:

“Let’s talk a little about the US Democratic strategist Hilary Rosen set off a firestorm by saying on television that Ann Romney has ‘never worked a day in her life.’ Were you surprised at the intensity of reaction and discussion we’ve seen since those comments?”

“Some time ago you caused quite a stir when you sang a little bit of Al Green at the Apollo. The First Lady says you do that quite often in the private quarters at the White House. Any songs that you sing to her in the privacy that our folks would know?”

“You’re excited about the Summit?”


Complete text linked here.

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