Brand-new surge in black-mob violence

In Buffalo, a woman was “mercilessly beaten by six to ten people” after she tried to help a deli owner stop a mob of black shoplifters. Several bones in her face were broken. The attack is on video.

The weeks before and after Labor Day are a busy time for black mob violence and lawlessness – some of which made the news.

Most of which did not.

Let’s start in Chicago. On August 26, Chicago police arrested 24 black people in the upscale, downtown Gold Coast area for a “ruckus” that featured “running in and out of crowds bumping into people and pushing folks.”

This incident was brought to the attention of by a member of the Chicago police department.

“The papers are calling it a ruckus,” said the officer. “But this was a series of violent episodes, by violent people, that the local media and the police administration simply do not wish to deal with. They arrested 24. For every one they caught, several got away. The crowd was black.”

Chicago has been the site of at least 50 similar episodes of racial violence over the last three years, including at least a dozen this year.

In Erie, Pa., the end of the summer features the annual downtown Celebrate Erie days. This year, as in the past, hundreds of “unruly teens” disrupted several nights of the festival with violence and mayhem.


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