‘Our Values Are Being Destroyed’: Beck Blasts New Fed Farm Rule Plan

The regulations and what Solis had to say did not sit well with Glenn Beck. He spent significant portion of his Thursday GBTV broadcast explaining his deep concerns. GlennBeck.com describes this as “one of his most passionate monologues since he began to broadcast on television.”

Secretary of Labor Hilda Solis

The federal government is proposing some sweeping new regulations that will affect how family farms operate in America. The Blaze has reported on these regulations over the last year. This week we covered the testimony by Secretary of Labor Hilda Solis before the Senate Subcommittee on Labor, Health & Human Services, Education and Related Agencies, and Pensions.



“I am so tired of these elites telling us what to do,” Glenn said.

“Because I saw hard work from my father, because I saw him have passion for what he did. Because I saw hard work from my grandfather. Because I saw people work themselves to death I happen to have good work ethic and I hope my kids learn it from me.”


Original source.

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