Belgistan? Sharia Showdown Looms in Brussels

“This community is a dirty, perverted community. We see that this community is breaking down, so we need to save this community like we saved it in Spain,” Abu Imran said, referencing the Muslim invasion of Spain 1,300 years ago.

Brussels is the capital of Europe. But some are now calling it the Muslim capital of Europe.

The graffiti on a building in Belgium says it all: “Welcome to ‘Belgistan.” Muslims are still a minority in Belgium, but in the capital of Brussels, they’re already the largest religious group, comprising one-quarter of the city’s population.

In less than 20 years they’re expected to be the majority.


The most confrontational Muslim group here is Sharia4Belgium.

Many don’t take the small group seriously. But Sharia4Belgium head Fouad Belkacem, alias Abu Imran, sounded very serious when he told CBN News he expects Muslims to dominate Belgium and the world.

“The Sharia will dominate,” Imran said. “We believe Sharia will be implemented worldwide.”


Original source.

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