Category Archives: James Woods

James Woods rips into ‘100% numbskull’ Martin O’Malley

After governor apologized for ‘white lives matter’ stance.

Hollywood star James Woods tore into Martin O’Malley, Democratic hopeful for president, saying the governor went beyond stupid when he backtracked before a “Black Lives Matter” crowd and apologized for saying white lives matter, too.

On Twitter, Woods put up a picture of a smiling O’Malley with the words “Just Kidding When I Said ‘All Lives Matter’” blasted across its borders.

And he tweeted above the photo: “Prime USDA Certified 100% Numbskull.”

In “Scam: How the Black Leadership Exploits Black America,” Rev. Jesse Lee Peterson – a true black leader whom many affectionately call “the other Jesse” – shows how the civil rights establishment has made a lucrative career out of keeping racial strife alive in America.

His comments come on the heels of a speech O’Malley delivered at the recent liberal Netroots Nation conference which was disrupted by “Black Lives Matter” activists. The protesters demanded O’Malley and fellow Democratic Party presidential hopeful Sen. Bernie Sanders explain what they were going to do about the disenfranchisement blacks felt in their communities, especially from police.


Complete text linked here.

Complete Classic Movie: The Specialist (1994)

Stars: Sylvester Stallone, Sharon Stone and James Woods. A woman entices a bomb expert she’s involved with into destroying the mafia that killed her family.

Graphic Quotes: James Woods on Obama’s Legacy

“I believe Barack Obama has done more for gun sales, less for race harmony and more damage to community than any president ever.” James Woods

James Woods returns to Twitter to slam Bill de Blasio and ‘PigSharpton’

Actor James Woods hasn’t posted to Twitter since September. He’s back this morning with strong words of criticism for New York Mayor Bill de Blasio and Rev. Al Sharpton.


More tweets and complete text linked here.

James Woods: Astonishing Tweets About The President!

Last year James Woods astonished his followers on Twitter with the following Tweets:

James Woods: Astonishing Tweets About The President!

November 19, 2014 By Kristina Hall
Last year James Woods astonished his followers on Twitter with the following Tweets:

“This President is a true abomination,” he said in one Tweet.

“To have barricaded the WW2 vets, but allow illegal aliens privilege.”

The Tweets got an immediate response from his followers who were worried about political consequences.

He went on…

Original source.

James Woods Just Issued an EPIC Challenge to Eric Holder Over Black Mob Violence

It’s unlikely that Holder or Obama will even mention the brutal attacks in Memphis since they’re too busy trying to paint criminals as heroes and find racial motivation where there is none. But it would be nice if the Justice Department would actually seek justice for innocent white people who fell victim to a hate crime at the hands of savage youths.

A big name Hollywood actor has issued an epic challenge to Attorney General Eric Holder after seeing the vicious assault on a white man by a mob of black teens in Memphis.

Thus far, police have arrested 11 of the nearly 100 suspects in the attacks, which left several people injured, but have been reluctant to label the attacks as “hate crime,” even though all the evidence seems to point in that direction.

The Justice Department has been investigating the incident in Ferguson, Missouri, where Michael Brown was shot and killed by police after a struggle with an officer, but so far there hasn’t been a word about what happened in Memphis. One Hollywood actor has seen Holder and President Obama’s double standard and decided he was going to bring it to the attention of the public, in the best way possible.


Complete text linked here.

Hollywood Actor Exposes Liberals and their ‘Unending Stream of Mindless Bile’

Hollywood actor James Woods is no stranger to getting venomous hate messages from the progressive Left. After all, their typical response to those with whom they disagree politically is to go on the attack with personal degradation and insults. While Woods has thick skin and typically mocks his attackers, he decided to try a different tactic Thursday on Twitter.

He retweeted them and encouraged his followers to do the same.


Complete text linked here.

‘Rats and sinking ships’: James Woods spots ‘liberal lapdog’ catching on to mess Obamacare created

Actor James Woods shared a USA Today article about people who have health insurance but are finding their choices very limited due to implementation of the Affordable Care Act:

Well what a surprise! It’s almost as though “if you like your doctor you can keep your doctor” and “if you like your plan you can keep your plan” were total lies. Wait, they were. But apparently that’s still news to some who write the news.


More Tweets linked here.

Actor James Woods Clobbers ACLU For Lack of Outrage About Obama IRS Targeting Scandal

Finally, Woods chastised the ACLU, tweeting, “Imagine what a powerful force the ACLU could be if they actually approached ALL abuses of the Bill of Rights equally and objectively.”

Actor James Woods took to Twitter (@RealJamesWoods) on Friday to lambaste the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) for the liberal groups’ lack of outrage about the Obama IRS targeting citizens based on their political beliefs.

Woods said it was “odd” that he wasn’t able to “find any statements of outrage from the ACLU about the orchestrated violations of our civil liberties by the Obama IRS.”

“Voting IS a civil liberty,” Woods tweeted, while asking, “did the ACLU ever get involved in the IRS attempt to defraud a Presidential election?”

Obama and Democrats did not want a repeat of the historic 2010 Tea Party landslide, and were willing to violate their civil rights by using the IRS to target political opponents prior to the 2012 election.


Complete text linked here.

Actor James Woods remembers victim amid controversy over botched execution in Oklahoma

The botched execution in Oklahoma of Clayton Lockett has been the cause of much controversy. Today, actor James Woods remembered the victim:

Original source.