It’s unlikely that Holder or Obama will even mention the brutal attacks in Memphis since they’re too busy trying to paint criminals as heroes and find racial motivation where there is none. But it would be nice if the Justice Department would actually seek justice for innocent white people who fell victim to a hate crime at the hands of savage youths.
A big name Hollywood actor has issued an epic challenge to Attorney General Eric Holder after seeing the vicious assault on a white man by a mob of black teens in Memphis.
Thus far, police have arrested 11 of the nearly 100 suspects in the attacks, which left several people injured, but have been reluctant to label the attacks as “hate crime,” even though all the evidence seems to point in that direction.
The Justice Department has been investigating the incident in Ferguson, Missouri, where Michael Brown was shot and killed by police after a struggle with an officer, but so far there hasn’t been a word about what happened in Memphis. One Hollywood actor has seen Holder and President Obama’s double standard and decided he was going to bring it to the attention of the public, in the best way possible.