Extremely Graphic: Cartel Members Dismember, Bag Rival Amid Los Zetas Civil War

The raging Los Zetas civil war between two factions of the drug cartel for control over this city has escalated to new levels of gore. Enforcers for one of the factions dismembered a rival member, bagging him in bed sheets and dumping the remains at a gas station.

Police received an anonymous call from either a customer or an employee at the local gas station in the rural area known as El Olivo were the ones that made the gory discovery. Authorities rushed to the scene to confirm the find and recovered the body.

The victim was described by authorities as a man between 30 to 35 years of age. He had been completely dismembered. Next to the body, authorities recovered a narco-message left behind by the suspected murderers.

“This goes against all of the authorities and military move the hell away because I am coming after whomever gets in my way or helps the (expletive) of the CDN ATTE Z7, Z6, and also Z12 Rey and Coma Pitalua,” the note read.


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