Ben Stein: Hillary Clinton Hasn’t Accomplished Anything in Her Life (Video)

He continued, “Absolutely nothing to do with achievement, she no achievements whatsoever. That being said, I was her school mate at Yale Law School and I wear the old school tie sometimes on her behalf. But she accomplished nothing.”

During Sunday’s “America’s News HQ” on Fox News Channel, economist and author Ben Stein appeared as a guest to discuss former Yale schoolmate Hillary Clinton and her campaign as a champion of the middle class.

According to Stein, Clinton’s campaign is a lie because she has never accomplished anything in her life.

“She hasn’t accomplished anything in her life. That’s the thing. She married the wizard campaigning of all time, he made her first lady. The fact that she was his first lady made her senator from New York. She was secretary of state for four years, she accomplished nothing, absolutely nothing. Traveled one million miles.”

Video linked here at original source.

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