Monthly Archives: February 2015

Las Vegas woman brutally gang raped in front of her children (Video)

Five black males invaded a home in an upscale neighborhood in Los Angeles. One of the residents is a stripper who goes by the stage name Cytherea. When the invaders saw her, they immediately began gang raping her in front of her whole family, including young children. The victim says that at one point, the ringleader called on the others to cease raping and get back to stealing items. Once the ringleader left the room, the others began raping her again.

Two of the perps are under 16. The three pictured are 16, 17, and 18.

The thugs stole so many items, that they dropped some when they were fleeing. This helped police track them down.

Original source.

Drug explosion follows oil boom on North Dakota Indian reservation

For drug dealers, the reservation is a unique haven — the meeting point of money, a vast and isolated terrain and a rat’s nest of federal and local law that makes it difficult to arrest and prosecute outsiders. “We’re easy pickings,” MHA Nation Chief Judge Diane Johnson said.

Tribal Police Chief Chad Johnson first noticed a change on the wind-swept prairies of the reservation around six years ago.

Small-time methamphetamine dealers known to the police officers for the Mandan, Hidatsa and Arikara tribes — known as the MHA Nation — were ceding territory to dealers from California, Colorado, Utah and even Latin America. Many were heavily armed and dealing in pounds of meth.

Local and federal officials estimate 90 percent of the drugs on the reservation now come from other states or countries. And it’s not just meth. In 2012, Justice Department officials spotted heroin on the reservation for the first time.

“Instead of finding an 8-ball of meth, now you’re finding pounds,” said Tim Purdon, U.S. attorney for North Dakota. “When we serve search warrants now, we don’t just find drugs; we find firearms. Everyone is heavily armed. There are more and more guns.”

Driven by the new wealth of the Bakken oil fields, drug dealing has spread across the reservation, tearing apart families and destroying the fabric of this once-isolated reservation.


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America founded upon ‘domestic terrorism,’ GMO-hating Angela Davis tells students

“If we want to put an end to anti-black, anti-Chicano, and anti-Latino racism we will also have to speak out against economic exploitation, against war, against the destruction of the environment, against anti-Muslim racism, against anti-Semitism, against gender bias, against homophobia, and against ableism,” said Davis, whose speaking fees range from $10,000 to $20,000.

A former Communist Party USA candidate whose weapons were used to kidnap a judge in 1970 told a packed university crowd to “stand up for access to good, organic non-GMO food,” among other progressive causes.

Angela Davis, who was once associated with the Black Panthers and acquitted of conspiracy in the kidnapping, received a standing ovation Friday from the capacity crowd of 400 at the University of Michigan-Flint, with another 300 people viewing from another auditorium, said Pam Zemore, community relations specialist at the school.

Davis encouraged the audience to recognize the “interconnected nature of justice struggles” throughout the world.“


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Cuccinelli rips Republicans: ‘They don’t have any backbone!’

‘Can you point me to one time they’ve fought? No, you can’t.’

Senate Conservatives Fund President Ken Cuccinelli calls Senate Republicans’ decision to push Homeland Security funding that includes money for President Obama’s amnesty a “total surrender” that proves GOP leaders “really don’t have any backbone.”

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., decided earlier in the week to stop pushing a Department of Homeland Security, or DHS, appropriations bill that strictly forbids funding for Obama administration executive action on immigration in 2012 and 2014. With Democrats blocking debate, McConnell agreed to bring a “clean” bill forward in exchange for Democrat promises to vote on a separate bill to defund Obama’s unilateral November action to legalize five million people in the country illegally. The latter bill has virtually no chance of passing.

So is this an example of Republicans letting Obama get away with an unconstitutional act, or was it the only realistic way to keep Homeland Security efforts funded?

“Oh, it’s an absolute surrender, and surrender is the primary word that we have been able to associate with the Republican leadership since Election Day,” Cuccinelli told WND. “Can you point me to one time they have fought? No, you can’t. What did they run on? Fighting. Well, if they had run on what they have been doing just in the last few months, there wouldn’t be Republican majorities in the House or Senate.”


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Armed Mexican Cartel Member Wreaks Havoc in Texas Near Border

Deputies claimed Gonzalez jumped out of the SUV with a gun in his hand but lost possession of it when he jumped another fence and ran off into the brush where he managed to elude them.

An armed man with alleged ties to a Mexican cartel fleeing from authorities wreaked havoc in the Texas border city of Rio Grande. While allegedly evading police he crashed through various fences and then escaped into the brush.

The high speed pursuit and confrontation began when Starr County Sheriff’s Deputies tried to arrest 29-year-old Paulino Gonzalez on outstanding warrants charging him with terroristic threats and criminal mischief, according to information released to Breitbart Texas by the Starr County Sheriff’s Office.

Deputies spotted Gonzalez driving a white Hummer and tried to pull him over. Instead of stopping, the man allegedly fled from authorities setting off a high speed chase. Gonzalez then allegedly drove through various fenced properties until his vehicle was disabled near a brush covered area, Starr County Sheriff’s said.


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The Killer Inside Kid Rock

Shooting hogs and talking trash with America’s wildest red-state rocker.

Ten miles outside town on a two-lane county road, just past the trailer park and across the street from Hank Williams Jr.’s place, there’s a driveway with a poster that says “Re-Elect Sheriff Russell Thomas.” Beyond a gate, a dirt road winds around a small lake, past a “Don’t Feed the Hippies” sign, leading to a brown double-wide trailer (WiFi password: Troublewide). Kid Rock stands outside puffing a cigar, his ponytail spilling out of an orange hunter’s hat. “Welcome to L.A.!” he says, meaning Lower Alabama. “I thought you were coming yesterday. We got our days screwed up. We cooked fuckin’ chitlins!”

It’s noon on a sunny Thursday in Troy, seat of Pike County. Rock introduces his buddy Gabe, a portly local salesman who sold Rock a dog. They’ve been hunting on Rock’s 500-acre property since 5:30 a.m. He started e-mailing me at dawn, urging me to come early, promising “a badass surprise.” “I wanna tell you what it is so bad,” he says. He steps into the trailer; a photo of Hank Jr. hangs on the wall near two mounted deer heads. “I guarantee you ain’t seen this before.”

As Gabe makes turkey sandwiches and Rock makes small talk, his girlfriend, Audrey, arrives in a pickup truck, just back from Walmart. Rock spotted Audrey, a no-nonsense brunette, five years ago at a Michigan restaurant and asked her out on the spot. The next day, when she asked where they were eating, he said Chicago. They had a blast, and have been going strong ever since. Audrey spends much of her time here now; she loves to hunt, though she had to take a break a few months ago when she broke her leg in a nighttime ATV crash.


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Amnesty Beneficiaries Could Claim More Than $35K In Tax Benefits In First Year (Video)

“This is basic economics: if you want more of something, you subsidize it. By subsidizing illegal entry with four years’ worth of new tax credits, the IRS would promote lawlessness,” Sen. Ben Sasse said in a statement at the time. “This program severely undermines the White House’s lip-service to enforcing the law and would increase the burden on law-abiding taxpayers.”

Illegal immigrants who are able to obtain Social Security Numbers and work permits as a result of President Obama’s executive amnesty could claim tens of thousands of dollars in back tax benefits, a new Congressional Research Service memo obtained first by Breitbart News reveals.

The report comes following the Internal Revenue Service’s confirmation that once illegal immigrants are granted Social Security Numbers — as a result of Obama’s executive actions — they will be able to file back tax returns and obtain up to four years of tax benefits, including the Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) and the Child Tax Credit (CTC).

The new CRS report — dated Wednesday and requested to gauge the tax benefits an amnesty beneficiary could potentially accrue — looks at the amount of EITC and CTC for a hypothetical family from from 2011-2014.

“Specifically, you were interested in the value of these credits for a married couple with three and four children,” the memo details. “In addition, you requested that for every year, the family’s income be equal to the maximum amount of earnings a taxpayer could have and still receive the maximum amount of the EITC. This income level is often referred to as the ‘phase-out threshold amount’ and is adjusted annually for inflation.”


Complete text and video linked here.

Victims of Released Criminal Immigrants to Testify Against Obama Policies

“We want Grant’s death to be a force for change and reform in the immigration policies of this great nation,” Michael Ronnebeck says in prepared testimony obtained by National Review, after detailing how ICE released the alleged murderer twice: once, after after he pled guilty to a burglary, and a second time when he was waiting for a deportation hearing.

Family members of people who were murdered by illegal immigrants after those immigrants had previously been detained and released pursuant to President Obama’s policies will testify before House lawmakers Wednesday morning.

The testimony is intended to illustrate a pattern of the Department of Homeland Security releasing criminal immigrants rather than deporting them, according to a Republican congressman who said that DHS had released 36,000 convicted criminal illegal immigrants since 2013.

“Of those 36,000, already now 1,000 of them have already been convicted of new crimes,” says the lawmaker. “These are people who have gone through the court system, even. And yet, rather than them get repatriated, they’re released, and now there are new victims because of the recklessness of the policy.”


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Dinesh D’Souza: A World Without America (Video)

Dinesh D’Souza, the director of the second most successful political documentary of all time, “2016: Obama’s America,” spoke at Amherst College regarding American exceptionalism.

Complete Classic Movie: Revenge (1990)

Stars: Kevin Costner, Anthony Quinn, Madeleine Stowe. Michael “Jay” Cochran has just left the Navy after 12 years. He’s not quite sure what he’s going to do, except that he knows he wants a holiday. He decides to visit Tiburon Mendez, a powerful but shady Mexican businessman who he once flew to Alaska for a hunting trip. Arriving at the Mendez mansion in Mexico, he is immediately surprised by the beauty and youth of Mendez’ wife Miryea. Their attraction to each other is undeniable, but Cochran is aware that Mendez is a powerful, vindictive, and very possessive man who does not tolerate betrayal.

Click here to watch Revenge.