Trump at CPAC: ‘Hillary was the 1st birther’

Billionaire dishes on Obama’s ‘fake’ birth certificate.

Donald Trump assured activists at the Conservative Political Action Conference Friday that he is seriously considering a presidential bid and has no interest in any publicity stunt to boost his business or his brand on television.

The billionaire businessman said that on a scale of 100, he would peg his chances of running for the 2016 Republican presidential nomination at about 75 to 80.

In a question-and-answer session on the CPAC stage with Fox News host Sean Hannity after his speech, Trump said he still believes the computer-generated, long-form birth certificate for Barack Obama posted on the White House website April 27, 2011, is fake.

He touted his role in forcing Obama to make public his birth certificate.

“Hillary Clinton wanted to see Obama’s birth certificate; she was the first birther,” Trump explained to Hannity. “Then McCain tried really hard and really viciously to get Obama’s birth certificate.

“I’m not a sitting senator, not a sitting anything – I’m a good businessman – but I was able to get the White House to produce Obama’s birth certificate,” Trump boasted. “John McCain failed. Couldn’t get it. But Trump comes along and said ‘birth certificate’ and Obama gave the birth certificate.”


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