U.S. Pours Millions Into Failing Black Colleges, Breaks New Student Loan Rules

So why does the government continue pouring enormous sums of money into these failing institutions that often can’t even keep their accreditation? The only explanation JW could find among the droves of government records is the Obama administration’s determination of “the importance of HBCUs as a national resource.”

The federal government violates its own student loan rules and wastes hundreds of millions of dollars to subsidize perpetually failing black colleges, including the alma mater of pop star Michael Jackson’s criminally-convicted doctor, a Judicial Watch investigation has found.

The institutions are known as Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCU) and JW’s probe has uncovered documents that show American taxpayers are being forced to fund them even when their accreditation has been stripped, they have dismal graduation rates and rank among the nation’s worst medical schools. For instance, Meharry Medical College (where the late Jackson’s physician, Conrad Murray, got his degree) is renowned for producing an alarming number of inept doctors along with third-world institutions like Manila Central University in the Philippines and the Autonomous University of Guadalajara in Mexico, according to records obtained by JW.

Yet the government continues giving it—and other troubled black colleges—large sums of money in the form of low-interest “loans” that are usually defaulted. This is done through the Historically Black College and University Capital Financing Program and it’s proven to be a massive boondoggle. Obtained from a variety of government sources—including the U.S. Treasury and the Department of Education—the files accessed by JW show that the scandalous investment is not only fleecing taxpayers, it’s also breaking rules created by the Obama administration under a 2010 measure that replaced student loans by private lenders with direct loans by the U.S. government.


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