Our Oppressed Oppressors

One day our oppressed ruling class will tire of our oppression and casting off its shackles will rise up against us. It will liberate itself of the last of our laws and enslave us so that our eternally oppressed oppressors may finally be free to do to us whatever they will.

Some countries have dictators, tyrants and kings. America has victims in high office. Victims with vast powers and great wealth who despite all that are oppressed by the people they rule.

They are the oppressed oppressors.

Never has a ruling class been as oppressed as ours by an ignorant rabble that rudely abuses the army of benevolent public servants who see to their welfare in exchange for nothing except a feeling of moral satisfaction and a six-figure salary. Not to mention unlimited power.

“They talk about me like a dog,” Obama complained. “Is it a lack of respect for me?” he whined to the Secretary of Defense.


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