Nice work if you can get it: Federal workers keep jobs despite misconduct

Time, attendance fraud at multiple agencies.

A program analyst at the Department of Housing and Urban Development spent up to three hours a day for five years working on private business deals — including once arranging to supply lap dancers for a private party — while he was supposed to be doing government work.

Another HUD employee — an auditor — was investigated for running a trucking business from her government office, according to investigative records obtained by The Washington Times.

In both cases, the investigators referred their findings to prosecutors, who declined to press criminal charges, sending the cases back to HUD officials, who let both employees remain on the job.

Government employees have come under scrutiny as reports of time and attendance fraud have mount.

In cases at the Environmental Protection Agency, one employee ditched work under the guise of being a CIA spy and another spent up to six hours a day looking at pornography on government time.

“I can probably count all the people on two hands I’ve seen fired,” Rep. John L. Mica, Florida Republican, said at a hearing last week into the EPA misconduct. “But something needs to be changed when people are breaking the law, when you have this GS-14 sitting there abusing his position, his salary, ripping off the taxpayers.”


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