Hollywood’s Sexual Predator Problem Explodes by Michelle Malkin

If all of these sickos had been Catholic priests, college fraternity members or charter school teachers, we wouldn’t have heard the end of it. Perhaps the social justice awareness-raisers in the Hollywood left should take a break from pointing fingers at everyone else — and put a stop to the monsters in their own midst.

Hollywood is sick, sick, sick. Behind its curtain of holier-than-thou progressivism, the entertainment world’s top A-list stars have engaged in the most depraved sexual abuse against vulnerable children and teens, according to a growing number of victims. After years of cover-up, the institutional scandal is exploding. Finally.

The latest alleged atrocities involve “X-Men” director Bryan Singer and at least three other power players in the business: veteran television executive Garth Ancier, former Disney executive David Neuman and producer Gary Goddard. Last month, former child actor and model Michael Egan filed civil suits against the men, alleging that they passed around underage boys “like pieces of meat at sex parties” in the late 1990s. Egan’s X-rated lawsuit exposes a cabal of alleged predators who plied young boys and teens with hard drugs and alcohol before sexually assaulting them.

Egan was repeatedly molested, raped and beaten from the age of 15, he says, at an infamous gay sex mansion in southern California. The mansion was owned by another of Egan’s alleged abusers: scumbag Internet video mogul Marc Collins-Rector. He’s a registered sex offender who lured young boys online, drugged and raped them, and reportedly threatened them with a gun if they did not submit.


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