Tax Day: Americans Pay—Illegal Aliens Get Fraudulent Refunds

But the biggest profiteer from this fraud may just be the Democrat-controlled government itself.

Recuperating from the April 15 income tax deadline? Soothe yourself with this: the Main Stream Media devoted some deserved attention this tax season to the huge tax refund fraud problem—but, as usual, failed to get specific about a key factor: illegal aliens. That’s because the MSM’s allies, the Democrats in government, are gaining enormously from keeping the illegal alien-magnet switch on for as long as possible.

Thus AP recently reported on the “$4 billion” lost every year due to “fraudulent tax refunds.” The story coincided with a recent video produced by the Department of Justice wherein Attorney General Holder reminds us to not worry, they’re on the case.

The AP report isn’t specific about what types of “fraudulent tax refunds” are in issue, but $4 billion is definitely a low number compared to the total problem.

The Earned Income Tax Credit alone costs taxpayers a whopping $12-$14 billion in fraudulent payments every year.


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