California Legislature’s Latino Caucus: Republicans Need Not Apply

The California Latino Legislative Caucus is one of several ethnic caucuses in the California state legislature. However, according to investigative journalist Steven Greenhut, it is the only one that is closed to Republicans. Greenhut notes in the San Diego Union-Tribune that Republican Rocky Chávez, who was elected in 2012 to the California State Assembly from northern San Diego County, has been excluded from the Latino Caucus.

“I said, ‘Hey, so when do we meet and how does this happen?’”, Chávez said in an interview on Thursday. “They said, ‘You’re not invited.’ I go, ‘Why would I not be invited?’” The obvious reason is that Chávez is a Republican, although he was never given an official explanation.”

Greenhut goes on to note that Chàvez is a moderate on many issues, including immigration, but that was not enough to earn an invite from fellow Latino legislators.

The caucus and its website receive taxpayer funding. It leans left on many issues, but many of its priorities–notably, engaging with business leaders–would seem to require bipartisan cooperation.

Furthermore, Grenhut notes: “The caucus has 24 members, so it’s not as if Chávez’s lone vote would change its political orientation. It wouldn’t change if all GOP Latinos joined in, either.”

“Others have tried but were not admitted,” he adds.


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