Fox News Sunday’s Chris Wallace Grills Dem. Congressman On IRS Scandal (Video)

Fox News Sunday was the only Sunday show that discussed the latest revelations in the IRS’ targeting of conservative groups. As a result, viewers were treated to host Chris Wallace grilling Congressman Sander Levin (D-MI) over why the IRS targeted 100 percent of conservative groups as opposed to only 30 percent of liberal groups.

Appearing on Sunday April 13, Wallace challenged Levin: “30 percent of organizations with progress or progressive in their names were examined as possible political groups. And, therefore, not included — would not have been considered for tax exempt status. But 100 percent of groups with Tea Party, Patriot or 9/12 in their names were examined. Congressman Levin, 248 conservative groups were examined, but only 29 liberal groups. How do you explain that disparity?”

Congressman Levin attempted to filibuster Wallace’s question and argued “What happens is the chairman gives us the material. We can look at it for one day. Take no notes. And then we go into executive session and we violate the confidentiality of the taxpayer’s records”

For his part, Wallace continued to press his liberal guest for answers and rejected Levin’s spin:

Congressman Levin that is a very interesting answer. But it has nothing to do with my question. I’m asking you a specific question…. How do you explain the fact that 30 percent of progressive groups were examined for their tax exempt status eligibility and 100 percent of conservative groups? How do you explain that?


Complete text linked here.

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