“If you can actually comprehend letting individuals with no allegiance to our country whatsoever, they’re here illegally, they’ve violated our laws, and suddenly we let them put on the uniform of the United States of America, they’re automatically legalized and then five years later on their way to becoming a citizen and voting. If you can imagine the world turned upside down, but that’s what a lot of people want to do make sure it doesn’t happen.”
Congressman Lamar Smith (TX-21) had a hard-hitting interview with TPNN’s “Voice of Reason,” Tim Constantine (Listen to Full Interview Below), discussing a variety of important subjects important to our nation. Tim got Congressman Smith’s perspective on immigration reform, amnesty, EPA overreach, and the Obama administration’s disregard for the Rule of Law.
The Congressman from Texas tells Tim that he can’t wait to hold the Obama administration responsible for their numerous acts of lawlessness. Could Rep. Smith be hinting at impeachment if the GOP overtakes the Senate?
“We’re going to do everything we can to prevent amnesty from occurring, but you have to sleep with both eyes open, because we know there are some members, and certainly the administration and others who will use any opening they get to pass some kind of an amnesty program.”