Google Protestors Rail Against Evictions and Gentrification, Targeting Google Lawyer

Gentrification is happening at an incredible pace in San Francisco, where median rents are as much as three times the national average. The average rent for a one-bedroom apartment in the Mission District is now $2,600, for example.

Protestors in San Francisco blocked Google’s busses again this week, while also making it personal – again. Rallying against evictions and the gentrification of historically Latino and Black neighborhoods, some of the same protestors also singled out another Google employee at his home.

On Friday, Eviction Free San Francisco, a tenant rights activism group, along with other protestors, held a demonstration in the Mission District in San Francisco to rally against the recent evictions of several teachers who lived in the area. They blocked a Google bus – the method many Google employees that have settled in the area use get to work at the company’s Mountain View headquarters – and also showed up at the home of Jack Halprin.

Jack Halprin is a lawyer for Google who also owns property in the gentrifying Mission District in San Francisco. Halprin, according to court documents, owns a Victorian-style house split up into several apartments. The occupants, which included some local teachers, received eviction notices from Halprin a few weeks ago, according to Reuters. According to the protesters, Halprin is evicting the tenants so he can move in.


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