The true cost of immigration? £148billion

Immigration to the UK has cost each household £5,600, a study reveals today.

The price of Britain’s open doors policy means taxpayers over 17 years have picked up a bill for £148billion – at more than £22million a day.

The figures emerged after analysis of a controversial university report which tried to claim migrants had added £25billion to the economy.

Sir Andrew Green, chairman of campaign group MigrationWatch UK, which published today’s paper, said: “Our report finally disposes of the immigration lobby’s oft repeated claims that immigration reduces our tax burden.

“The total cost is high and increased dramatically between 1995 and 2011, providing no compensation for the overcrowding of this island which we are experiencing, largely as a result of immigration.”

MigrationWatch UK’s findings come as Prime Minister David Cameron faces humiliation over his pledge to cut net migration to the UK to the “tens of thousands”.

Figures from the Office for National Statistics show arrivals last year outstripped those leaving by 212,000 – a massive leap on the 154,000 over the previous 12 months.


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