What would the GOP do? by Pat Buchanan

If Sen. Rubio wants to “stand up” to China, why not call for a 50 percent tariff on all Chinese-made goods? Try that one out on the K Street bundlers and U.S. Chamber of Commerce.

Though Barack Obama is widely regarded as a weak president, is the new world disorder really all his fault?

According to Sen. Lindsey Graham, Vladimir Putin’s move into Crimea “started with Benghazi.”

“When you kill Americans and nobody pays a price, you invite this type of aggression,” said Graham.

Also blaming Obama for Crimea, John McCain got cheers at AIPAC by charging, “This is the ultimate result of a feckless foreign policy in which nobody believes in America’s strength anymore.” This “blatant act” of aggression “cannot stand,” said McCain.

Marco Rubio’s CPAC speech is described by the L.A. Times: “(Rubio) said that China is threatening to take parts of the South China Sea … a nuclear North Korea is testing missiles, Venezuela is slaughtering protesters, and Cuba remains an oppressive dictatorship. He added that Iran continues to pursue nuclear weapons and regional hegemony and Russia is attempting to ‘reconstitute’ the former Soviet Union.”

First, it is absurd to suggest Putin felt free to restore Crimea to Russia because of Obama’s inaction in Benghazi. And Russia and China are great power rivals and antagonists, not the monster regimes of the Cold War that massacred millions. We must deal with them and they don’t take direction from Uncle Sam.


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