Phil Robertson is my 1st Amendment blood brother by Ted Nugent

Ted Nugent takes aim at ‘left-wing hit squads’ attacking America’s favorite show.

No beer in the Rose Garden is going to calm things down.

The “Duck Dynasty” guys are standing by their man. And sadly the A&E gang is standing with the politically correct cult of denial, which wants to muzzle the free speech of those with whom it disagrees.

This is all the result of one of the “Duck Dynasty” guys, Phil Robertson, stating what he and many millions of Americans believe about the Bible and homosexuals in a GQ magazine interview. Welcome to the culture-war party, Phil. State a commonly held belief and watch the other side go ballistic. You will learn to love the line drawn in the sand. I’ve been dancing on it for 50 years.

Due to the hyper-charged politically correct world of denial and vicious intolerance by the left in which we live, and where there are segments of society madly scrambling for ways to be offended, you will be pummeled and smeared by them unless you color within their intolerant politically correct lines. To each his own, as long as they authorize it. Trust me.

Though they claim to be the party of tolerance, what the left wants is to intimidate and silence, and even hurt, those with whom they disagree. The left’s tolerance only extends to those who espouse their agenda and nostrums.

Phil Robertson didn’t say anything hurtful or shameful. He didn’t say that homosexuals should be beaten, maligned, persecuted, denied human dignity or rights, or have the their birthdays taken away.

He simply stated what he believes.


Complete text linked here.

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