Hollywood Reporter Covers TruthRevolt Petition

“…a recently launched right-wing version of Media Matters for America…”

As the culture war enjoyed one of its loudest (if not bloodiest) battles of 2013 on Thursday, the Hollywood Reporter singled out TruthRevolt for its role in the fight – referencing a petition calling for A&E to end their anti-religious bigotry during the Phil Robertson affair and calling the site “a right-wing version of Media Matters for America.”

TruthRevolt.org, a recently launched right-wing version of Media Matters for America, mounted an attack on A&E Thursday.

“A&E has demonstrated its disdain for religious Americans of all stripes. … We ask A&E to reinstate Phil Robertson rather than caving to the dictates of anti-religious bigotry, and we pledge to turn off A&E until Robertson is reinstated to Duck Dynasty,” reads the petition.

The piece was notable for supporters of TruthRevolt in that it listed the new project from the David Horowitz Freedom Center – less than four months old – along side powerful voices and notables from the conservative movement, including Rush Limbaugh, Dennis Prager, Sean Hannity, and Laura Ingraham.


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